Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


01.10.2020 12:31
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Professor Tarbiz Aliyev was deserved to the prize of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Professor Tarbiz Aliyev was deserved to the prize of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

The head of the department of the Institute of Economics of ANAS, Doctor of Economics, Professor Tarbiz Aliyev was awarded a special prize of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The Azerbaijani scientist was awarded the order and diploma "Primus inter pares" (the first among equals) within the framework of the national program "Golden Fund of Science" of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and in accordance with the decision of the commission on the award of the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium.

The scientist received this award for his contribution to the development of science and education, in particular, for the results of his scientific works published over the past 5 years, the high assessment of his books at international exhibitions in Russia.

In addition, prof. T. Aliyev was awarded a special diploma for the book "Innovative development of the industry of Azerbaijan", published in Russian by the organizing committee of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for organizing exhibitions of international scientific and methodological publications.

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