Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The realities of Karabakh have been conveyed to the Eastern world in Arabic and Persian
16.11.2020 14:07
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The realities of Karabakh have been conveyed to the Eastern world in Arabic and Persian

During the Second Karabakh War, along with the battlefield, Armenia, which pursued a hypocritical policy in the information war, received a worthy response, as always.

Elnur Mustafayev and Samid Bagirov, scientists of the Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS, also took an active part in informing the world about the terrorist and aggressive behavior of the Armenian political and military authorities.

Algeria State Radio, Iraq's Al-Itticah and Al-Afaq, Iran's Al-Alam, Lebanon's Al-Mayadin TV channels, as well as Lebanon's U.NEWS news agency and  to the Union of Islamic Media Organizations  Azerbaijani orientalists, who gave interviews to the media with a wide audience in the Eastern media, touched upon sensitive issues, such as the Armenian terror against the civilian population, the murder of minors.

Can watch more in the interview prepared by Elm TV.

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