Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


15.12.2020 12:44
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The economist attended an international course in Austria

The economist attended an international course in Austria
The economist attended an international course in Austria
The economist attended an international course in Austria

Leading researcher of the Institute of Economics of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Associate Professor Nasimi Ahmadov participated in the international virtual training course on "Macroeconomic regulation in countries rich in natural resources" organized by the Institute of Professional and Organizational Development of the International Monetary Fund.

The course, traditionally held in Austria, took place online due to a pandemic. The two-week course discussed macroeconomic policy issues and the challenges faced by resource-rich countries. Participants were provided with important information on the macroeconomics of economic growth and diversification, fiscal policy management, macroeconomic policy coordination and public sector asset management in resource-rich countries.

The course was held in an atmosphere of interesting and useful discussions.

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