Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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14.01.2015 00:00
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Computerization fulfillments at the Foreign Languages Department of ANAS

Computerization fulfillments at the Foreign Languages Department of ANAS

In recent years, for the further development of Azerbaijani science and strengthen its role in the socio-economic development of the country, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences has implemented wide-ranging reforms, one of which is associated with an increase in the quality of research training.

During last November 24, 2014 in a meeting with the faculty of the Department of Foreign Languages of ANAS, president of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh noted the need for foreign language skills for participation of scientists in international conferences, publication of articles in international journals with high citation index, networking international scientific cooperation. For this purpose, academician gave instructions to improve the activities of the department, organization of the examination and the educational process in accordance with modern standards, providing audiences with ICT facilities, promotion of employment of teachers.

Currently, a number of activities aimed at the application of modern technologies in the Foreign Languages Department of ANAS. In order to strengthen the material and technical base of the department, improving the educational process, the conversion of existing training facilities by digitization in distance education resources, and evaluation of knowledge and skills by means of the test method and interactive technologies, members of the department are provided with modern computer technology, the local computer network of the Department was connected to the Scientific network -AzScienceNet.

Moreover, in order to improve the quality of teaching and to ensure transparency, video surveillance system has been installed that allows organizing the educational process in accordance with modern requirements.

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