Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.02.2021 17:59
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The director general of the High Technology Park of ANAS has been appointed

The director general of the High Technology Park of ANAS has been appointed

Appointed director general of the High Technology Park (HT Park) of ANAS.

By the relevant order of the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Abulfaz Babayev was appointed as the General Director of YT Park.

First Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Dilgam Taghiyev introduced the Director General to the staff. He congratulated Professor Abulfaz Babayev on his appointment. He said that the election of Abulfaz Babayev, a well-known chemist with extensive experience in various fields of industry, as director general of HT Park will further accelerate the work in the technopark and increase the efficiency of the organization.

He expressed confidence that Academician Abulfaz Babayev, with his rich management experience, will be able to cope with this task and make significant contributions to the development of the technopark, and wished the professor success in his work.

It should be noted that A.Babayev is a full member of the New York Academy of Sciences, a full member of the International Academy of Engineers, as well as a full member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Engineers. The scientist is the author of 329 scientific works, 105 scientific inventions and patents, 10 textbooks, 8 methodical aids and 2 monographs. Under his leadership, 6 dissertations on philosophy and 1 doctor of sciences were completed.

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