Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


03.03.2021 17:27
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The first meeting of the commission on cooperation with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was held

The first meeting of the commission on cooperation with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was held

The Institute of Physics of ANAS hosted the first meeting of the commission established under the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) on cooperation with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia.

At the meeting chaired by Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Academician Adil Garibov, Director General of the Institute of Physics, Authorized Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Academician Arif Hashimov, Professor of Physics Department of Baku Engineering University, Corresponding Member of ANAS Vali Huseynov, Head of Biophysics Institute Director, corresponding member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov, professor of Baku State University, doctor of physical sciences Mais Suleymanov, head of the department of international relations of the Institute of Information Technologies, doctor of philosophy in technology Babek Nabiyev and head of the Department of Nuclear Medicine of the National Oncology Center of the Ministry of Health, philosophy of medicine Dr. Fuad Novruzov attended.

The issues raised before the commission were discussed at the meeting and relevant decisions were made.

The next meeting of the commission is scheduled for April.

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