Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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16.03.2021 14:32
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A seminar dedicated to Science Day was held at the museum

A seminar dedicated to Science Day was held at the museum

A seminar dedicated to March 27 - Science Day was organized at the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan of ANAS.

Opening the event, Director of the National History Museum of Azerbaijan, Academician Naila Valikhanli congratulated the museum staff on Science Day. He noted that the museum is a mirror of our history. He noted that the 44-day propaganda of the Patriotic War was successfully carried out in the museum, and collection work on this topic continues.

Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Museum, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Assoc. Nargiz Aliyeva made a report on "The role of exhibitions in the promotion of science and culture in Azerbaijan."

An employee of the museum, Aygun Guliyeva, spoke on "The bitter memory of the 44-day war" and informed about the collection of materials belonging to the martyrs and veterans.

Deputy Director of the Museum, Assoc. Mahfuza Zeynalova spoke about the newly established Patriotic War Fund and the collection of materials of martyrs and veterans.

At the end, academician Naila Velikhanli once again congratulated the museum staff on the occasion of Science Day and Novruz holiday and wished them success in science and museum work.

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