Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


30.03.2021 15:50
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A report on the causes of the earthquakes was heard

A report on the causes of the earthquakes was heard

The Republican Seismic Survey Center of ANAS held an online event dedicated to the Science Day.

Opening the event, Director General of the Republican Seismic Survey Center, corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Gurban Yetirmishli spoke about the establishment of Science Day in Azerbaijan. Speaking about the history of development of science in Azerbaijan, as well as the historical necessities and stages of development of ANAS, the director general said that the country's leadership has always paid special attention and care to the development of science, as well as scientists.

Then, the head of the Seismology Department of the Republican Seismic Survey Center, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Tahir Mammadli made a presentation on "Causes of earthquakes and seismicity of the territory of Azerbaijan." In his report, he gave a detailed report on the processes taking place in the Earth's lithosphere, the causes of earthquakes, as well as methods of seismic research.

Director General of the Republican Seismological Service Center, corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Gurban Yetirmishli also answered the questions of media representatives at the event.

The event ended with a demonstration of an exhibition dedicated to the devices and equipment used in seismic research since the beginning of seismic research.

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