Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


03.02.2015 00:00
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Cooperation ties with “Springer” discussed

Cooperation ties with “Springer” discussed

ANAS Central Scientific Library (CSL) hosted the meeting by joint organization of Azerbaijan Librarian Information Consortium (ALIC) and CSL in order get acquainted with data products and services of “Springer” international scientific base.

Event was attended by institute and organizations of ANAS, universities and research institutions that are members of ALIC as well as delegation of Baku State University.

In advance, license manager of “Springer Verlag” Seymur Rasulov brought to mind brief information about history of “Springer”. Company provides readers with electronic versions of documents published in different countries. Ministries of education and research institutions of the countries in cooperation with “Springer” enrich their mass by subscribing to high-level electronic publications of the scientific base. As information products and services of “Springer” are submitted in German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and other languages, scientists and intellectuals are required foreign language skills, he reminded.

National coordinator of ALIC for Azerbaijan Jamila Yusifova spoke about activity of consortium and cooperation ties via “Springer”. She put forward the advantages to benefit from such of bases for carrying out scientific researches deeply.

Event has discussed usage of digital library, including users’ online access to the services, archival materials, scientific journals, books and conference proceedings offered by “Springer” within the cooperation between CSL and the latter.

Statistic data on resource usage of “Springer” international scientific base by Azerbaijan academic society was displayed in the event.

Noted that, training and workshops organized by “Springer” attaches great importance in terms of organizing scientist and specialists’ efficient performance.

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