Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.02.2015 00:00
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Associates of ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art attended the international event in Macedonia

Associates of ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art attended the international event in Macedonia

Deputy Director for scientific affairs of ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art prof. Kubra Aliyeva and associates of the department of Art and architecture of Caucasian Albania attended the 3rd International conference titled as “Cultural heritage, domestic economic development, review at interdisciplinary ties of tourism and media” held in Ohrid, Macedonia.

In the event, Kubra Aliyeva delivered a lecture on “Coping techniques against “Misfortune”, “Evil eye” and their symbols in Azerbaijan archeology, art and mythology” and junior researcher of the above mentioned department Kamila Mehdiyeva on “Carpet goods of Azerbaijan nomads”.

Lectures by Azerbaijanian scientists aroused great interest on attendees. Exchange of views was held and both speeches have been appreciated with certificate.

Note that, lecturers are currently working on the process of preparing articles for publication by Cambridge style.

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