Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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12.02.2015 00:00
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Reports of ANAS Departments of Biological Medical and Agrarian Sciences presented

Reports of ANAS Departments of Biological Medical and Agrarian Sciences presented

On February 11, reports of ANAS Departments of Biological and Medical (DBMS) and Agrarian Sciences (DAS) for 2014 have been presented in the next assembly of the Presidium of ANAS.

In the assembly, by the particular decree of the Mr. President Ilham Aliyev, president of ANAS acad. Akif Alizadeh presented “Shohrat” order to chairman of Supreme Attestation Commission, acad. Arif Mehdiyev for his merits in development of Azerbaijan science.

Speaking about researches in the spheres of biological and medical sciences in the report year, academician-secretary of DBMS acad. Ahliman Amiraslanov stated that, department institutions were involved in ”On the reliable supply of food to the population in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2008-2015” and " Poverty reduction and sustainable development in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2008-2015” State Programs, submitted their reports to the relevant bodies as well.

Institutions of the department for Biology carried out researches in the directions of studying biodiversity of flora, fauna and microorganisms, protection and sustainable usage of its gene pool, and molecular-genetic and physical-chemical basis of the living creatures, but institutions engaged in medical sciences provided researches in health status of the population, epidemiology of spread diseases, clinical features, diagnosis based on innovative technologies, improving treatment- prophylactic measures, studying the effects of environmental factors to the public health, developing new prophylactic methods by means of regional natural resources.

28 projects, 12 of them multidisciplinary over priority directions of ANAS were submitted by department employees to the innovative projects. As in every year, department institutions joint with particular chairs of the domestic educational centers continue cooperation via 78 foreign institutions. During a year they attended the republican and international grant projects and won 37 grants, he highlighted.

Later on, academician-secretary of ANAS Department of Agrarian Sciences, acad. Garib Mammadov delivered a report. According to the Action Plan of the department, Institute of Soil Elm and Agro chemistry has conducted morphogenetic diagnosis, nomenclature and classification of Azerbaijani lands, and Institute of Erosion and Irrigation has elaborated less-intensive irrigative systems for olive crop in Absheron, he stated.

111 research works over 41 topics covering 6 problems have been carried out in the department institutions during a report year, and 13 works completed over 9 topics. 17 vital outcomes were gained in the field of fundamental and applied researches. 3 works intended in Application Plan have been realized.

Acad. Garib Mammadov provided information about the taken measures within the “Azerbaijan 2020: vision to the future” Development Concept. Previous year, researches in the institutes have been expended enough. Several outcomes have been published on the journals with impact factor and peer-reviewed. Red List of wild relatives of cultivated plants belonging to 185 species in 22 families and 45 genera was compiled. Also, improved methods for identification of genetically modified plants and prepared a booklet on its prohibition.

Currently, 46 PhD students study intramural and one extramural in the department. 13 PhD students graduated last year. In addition, 40 candidates for a degree conduct research works in the institutions of the department. 10 research works were defended, 6 of prepared for defense, and 11 fulfillments submitted for a patent. 5 monograph (one in abroad), 6 books (one in abroad), including, a manual and scientific-periodical editions have been released. Last year, 271 papers, 17 of them on the journals with impact factor and 78 on the prestigious journals, were published in the scientific press. 103 theses (69 in abroad) were published as well. Works of department scientists were referred 130 citations.

Grant projects also were discussion object, so, fulfillments for 19 grant projects were carried out pursuant to plan. 13 of them were obtained joint with domestic scientists.

Then, discussions were held. Academicians Ibrahim Guliyev, Vagif Farzaliyev, Adil Garibov, Akif Azizov asked questions. After discussions both reports have been included into annual report of ANAS.

Presidium of ANAS has aired competition for electing and funding research works for 2014. Programs submitted for competition have been determined in accordance with review of Expert Commission and relevant scientific departments. After discussion of related issue, program chiefs were charged to develop programs in particular form for a short period and submit to the relevant scientific departments as well as Science and Education Office of the Presidium Administration with the opinion of the Scientific Council of the institute.

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