Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


25.11.2013 00:00
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Acad. Ahliman Amiraslanov: “The journals that do not meet the international requirements will be suspended”

Acad. Ahliman Amiraslanov: “The journals that do not meet the international requirements will be suspended”

Azerbaijan Medical University held meeting in order to discuss existed status of publishing journals in the scientific educational institutions, adapting them to international standards, and providing representation in the prestigious scientific bases.

Meeting was attended by academician-secretary of ANAS Department of Biological and Medical Sciences acad. Ahliman Amiraslanov, chief department of ANAS IIT Dr. technique, Ramiz Aliguliyev, chief department Tahmasib Fataliyev, PhD in techniqueZarifa Jabrayilova and scientific worker Rahila Hasanova, scientific editors of the journals of AMU, responsible as well.

Acad. A.Amiraslanov said that 18 journals covering various medical spheres such as, “Azerbaijan Medical Journal”, “Health”, “Azerbaijan Orthopedics and Traumatology “, “Azerbaijan Oncology and Hematology”, “Modern achievements of Azerbaijan Medicine”, “Psychiatry” etc. have played an important role in delivering innovative results, innovations in the field of health and medicine to the general public. There are some journals that did not meet international standards and regulations adopted by the parameters. “Requirements to the papers published in journals should be higher. The level of the papers including the design of magazines, as well as in terms of the quality of the publication shall meet international requirements. In addition, scientific papers shall be published in prestigious journals”, noted A. Amiraslanov.

By declaring “Applied and Computational Mathematics” journal by Scientific Research Institute of Applied Mathematics of Baku State University is the only scientific journal with impact factor, he noted that, representation of local journals in the scientific bases such as “Thomson Reuters”, “Elsevier”, and “Scopus” is important in terms of our scientists’ promotion in an international scope.

Dr. Technique Ramiz Aliguliyev reported on the results of monitoring of journals published by ANAS. 56 of 292 published journals in the list of Higher Attestation Commission that recommended the publication of the main results of dissertations belong to ANAS, he stated.

R. Aliguliyev also informed about 7 journals publishing in the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, international opportunities of scientific bases, the level of representation in these databases, and on requirements for registration of journal in databases.

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