Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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19.04.2015 00:00
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Presentation of “Azerbaijan literature of XX century: phases, directions and problems” monograph held

Presentation of “Azerbaijan literature of XX century: phases, directions and problems” monograph held

Electronic hall of ANAS Literature Institute hosted the presentation of the monograph of “Azerbaijani literature of XX century: phases, directions, problems” by scientific secretary of this scientific institution, scientist-literary critic, Dr. Philology, Professor Badirkhan Ahmadov on April 20.

Opening the event the vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature, academician Isa Habibbayli, spoke about the importance of the newmonograph.

It was noted that, new monograph analyzes the stages and problems of literature of the twentieth century. The object of the study was a phase of the national movement of Azerbaijani literature - its realism, romanticism, realism, educational, social realism and stages of the 60s, the nature of the literary process, the development of prose, poetry and drama, as well as the genesis of repression, emigrant literature and others problem.

Then doctor of Philology, Professor Shirindil Alishanov has delivered report on "Literary critic, who has created the scientific- literary picture of the century".

During the event the academician-secretary of ANAS Department of Humanities Sciences, academician Teymur Kerimli, secretary of Azerbaijan Writers Union, chief editor of "525th" newspaper Rashad Majid, Dr. Philology Professor Jahangir Mammadli, prof. Himalay Gasimov and others also acted and shared their views on the new edition, and noted that the new work is a valuable contribution to science.

The scientific editor of the monograph published by the publishing house "Elm ve tehsil" is the vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli.

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