Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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27.10.2021 18:14
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An international conference was held in Azerbaijan with the support of NATO

An international conference was held in Azerbaijan with the support of NATO

On October 27-29, with the support of the NATO Science Program for peace and security, the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS and the Polish National Nuclear Research Center organized an online international conference on “problems of cybersecurity of industrial management systems”.

The opening ceremony of the conference was attended by state officials of Azerbaijan, heads of research institutes of ANAS, scientists and specialists representing about 20 countries, including Turkey, USA, Canada, Poland, Ukraine, Sweden and Kazakhstan, relevant international organizations and influential foreign companies, as well as representatives of the media.

Vice-president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, academician Isa Habibbayli delivered an introductory speech of the president of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev. He stressed the importance of the international conference dedicated to the discussion of a number of important actual problems and the search for solutions.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that the country's leadership has made very important decisions in the fight against potential and existing threats, cyber-attacks, the creation of a reliable cyber protection system and in this direction.

Isa Habibbeyli described the prestigious conference held with the support of NATO's Science Program for peace and security as an important contribution to Azerbaijan-NATO cooperation, and expressed his deep gratitude to the NATO leadership on behalf of the Azerbaijani scientific community.

He also thanked the National Center for Nuclear Research of Poland and the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for organizing a high-level conference. “We highly appreciate the cooperation of Azerbaijani and Polish scientists in the field of cybersecurity. I believe that there is a high potential for the further development of these relations.”

At the end of his speech I.Habibbeyli expressed his confidence that the international conference on “problems of cybersecurity of industrial management systems” will create great opportunities in terms of exchange of experience in the field of combating cybersecurity, distribution of advanced knowledge, establishment of future cooperation relations with leading scientific centers and universities of foreign countries.

Then NATO official representative James Appathurai, Head of Bureau, Bureau on ICT for Education at The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Vusal Khanlarov, head of the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Polish National Nuclear Research Center, International Projects Coordinator, Chief Researcher, Professor Jacek Gajewski, Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jafar Huseynzade, Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, OSCE International Expert on Customs Affairs in Central Asia, Customs Service major-general, doctor of technical sciences, professor Igbal Babayev, Internet Hall of Fame convener George Sadowsky, academician-Secretary of ANAS, general director of the Institute of Physics, academician Arif Hashimov, general director of the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS, academician Ali Abbasov, professor of Stockholm University Oliver Popov spoke about the importance of the event and wished success to the conference.

Then, vice-president of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev greeted the guests, organizers, participants and media representatives of the international event.

Academician Rasim Alguliyev expressed his gratitude to the Science Program of NATO for the support in the organization of such an important conference. The scientist said that the cooperation between NATO and the Academy of Sciences began with the project “Virtual Silk Road”, which was founded in 2003.

The vice-president said the reports presented at the conference were devoted to the study of the theoretical and practical problems of the use of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technologies in various spheres of society, ensuring their cybersecurity.

During the 3-day international conference, the sectoral meetings were held to discuss “Cybersecurity of Critical İnfrastructures”, “Cybersecurity education: programs and laboratories”, “Vulnerability analysis, verification and risk management”, “detection, mitigation and prevention of attacks”, and etc. discussions were held on directions.

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