Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.03.2015 00:00
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II Special Department of ANAS Presidium Administration held next workshop

II Special Department of ANAS Presidium Administration held next workshop

II Special Department of ANAS Presidium Administration held next workshop titled as “Seismic zones of Azerbaijan Republic and earthquake occurrence in the background of increased activity”, and “Studying the method of holding warning and congestion training by Non militarized Civil Defense force at scientific institution and organizations”.

Opening the event, department chief Eldar Guliyev provided information on the possible natural disasters in the country and the characteristics of industrial accidents, which are most typical natural disasters for territory of Azerbaijan - earthquakes, floods, landslides, floods and avalanches in mountainous regions.

Reporting in the event chief department at Republican Seismological Survey CenterEtibar Garavaliyev displayed his slide show reflecting earthquake intensity in Azerbaijan recently. All the territory of our republic is considered dangerous earthquake (seismic) zone. Shamakhi-Ismayilli, Sheki-Balaken, Ganja-Goy-gol and regions of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic are deemed seismic zones with 9 grade earthquake probability. These zones which makes up a quarter of the territory, embraces 20 percent of the population.

Senior specialist of the department Alimardan Muhammadov sequence explained what immediately should do Non militarized Civil Defense forces while emergency situations upon the “warn-congestion” signal.

In the event also was touched upon motion principles of the technical equipment and devices that used in the organizations during civil defense.

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