Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Baghdadi scientist visited Central Scientific Library
04.05.2015 00:00
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Baghdadi scientist visited Central Scientific Library

Heydar Shia Gubeysi Al-Barrak, Ambassador of Iraq to Azerbaijan and Ali Nashmi Hamidi Abbas Al-Maliki, professor of Al-Mustansiriya University of Bagdad, visited ANAS Central Scientific Library (CSL).

In a meeting, director of CSL Leyla Imanova highly appraised Iraqi guests' visit to the library.

Professor Ali Nashmi Hamidi Abbas Al-Maliki delivered lecture on “National historical ties between Azerbaijan and Iraq”.  Economic, cultural, religious ties occur between the both countries. Close friendship, collaboration and strategic partnership link Azerbaijan and Iraq, he stated.

Baghdadi scientist noted that, he always states his opinions on Nagorno-Karabakh to be an integral part of Azerbaijan in the meetings held in various foreign countries.

Scientist brought to mind interesting facts related in medival Azerbaijan poet and thinkers – Muhammad Fuzuli, Imaddedin Nasimi, philosopher, astronomer Nasiraddin Tusi and other figures. These personalities have laid school not only for literature and culture of Azerbaijan, but also for development of Eastern culture, they reported.

Prof. Ali Nashmi Hamidi Abbas Al-Maliki made speech on modern progressive phase of economic, cultural and political relations between Azerbaijan and Iraq. We willing to promote Iraq culture in Azerbaijan, simultaneously, Iraq public society closely to get in touch with culture and art of Azerbaijan, noted scientist.

At the end of lecture, Baghdadi scientists responded questions of attendees. 

In the event Dr. Philology, prof. Gazanfar Pashayev spoke about Azerbaijan and Iraq relations.

Speaking about the significance of the ties between both countries, Ambassador Heydar Shia Gubeysi Al-Barrak notified that, relations are on the top and deep cultural and historical links contribute for development of ties.

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