Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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30.03.2022 12:31
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Strategic issues for the improvement and development of the activities of ANAS were discussed

Strategic issues for the improvement and development of the activities of ANAS were discussed

On March 29, at the Institute of Information Technology, Acting President of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov met with the general directors, executive directors and scientific secretaries of the scientific institutions of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences (DPMTS) of the Academy.

Opening the event, academician Arif Hashimov said that over the past years DPMTS has made a significant contribution to the development of both our republic and Azerbaijani science. He noted that, priority studies have always been carried out at the enterprises of the division in accordance with the requirements of the period and the results obtained every year are highly appreciated and reflected in the annual reports of ANAS.

Noting that the enterprises of the DPMTS still retain their scientific potential and are one of the main divisions of the Academy, academician Arif Hashimov emphasized that the tradition of conducting priority research in accordance with the challenges of the time is currently being continued in the DPMTS.

Reminding that 2022 was declared as the Year of Fundamental Sciences for International Development by the decision of UNESCO, the academician said that fundamental scientific research plays a crucial role in ensuring sustainable development and in this case fundamental research should be stimulated for the future of both our country and Azerbaijani science.

According to academician Arif Hashimov, today the proposals on fundamental research, which is of great importance in the creation and development of new technologies, should be reflected in the newly developed “Sustainable Development Strategy of Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022-2030”. Noting that a number of proposals on priority areas were submitted by the DPMTS for the preparation of the above-mentioned document and all of them were taken into account in a complex way, academician Arif Hashimov noted the necessity of increasing the efficiency of scientific research.

Touching upon the importance of paying special attention to the training of highly qualified young personnel while protecting scientific schools, the head of ANAS noted that the material and technical base of the institutions should be updated, the social protection of the Academy staff should be strengthened, the budget should be used optimally.

Then, vice-president of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev said that today certain discussions are being held for the development of Azerbaijani science at various levels, the country's leadership and relevant state bodies attach special importance to this issue. All these discussions are of particular importance from the point of view of defining a new strategy for the development of Science and forming a Bank of ideas in this direction. He added that today the state policy based on innovative and advanced technologies is successfully implemented in our country. Special attention is paid to the use of high technologies in the solution of socio-economic issues, in particular, in restoration and construction works in the liberated territories. The processes taking place in the world in recent years have proved that the issue of technological sovereignty is a very important condition for each state.

Noting that various proposals for the “Sustainable Development Strategy of Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022-2030” were submitted by the division to the Presidium of ANAS, the academician said that the discussions carried out contribute to the development of our science and urged the members of the division to be active.

Referring to the tasks facing academician Rasim Aliguliyev in the field of scientific activity, he spoke about the need to switch to targeted funding focused on scientific problems, subject to basic funding, determining the exact legal status of ANAS, implementing measures in the field of using international scientific bases, increasing the authority of science and scientists in society, training personnel in new specialties related to the IV industrial revolution in the field of integration of science and education. In conclusion, in order to support the implementation of all these measures, the scientist proposed to establish a Council on Science, Education and Technology with a high state status.

Further, the event was attended by general director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, corresponding member of ANAS Misir Mardanov, general director of the Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory named after Nasreddin Tusi, corresponding member of ANAS Namig Jalilov, general director of the Institute of Control Systems, academician Ali Abbasov, general director of the Institute of Biophysics, corresponding member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov, general director of the Institute of Radiation Problems, corresponding member of ANAS Islam Mustafayev and general director of the Institute of Information Technologies, academician Rasim Aliguliyev made a speech on attracting talented young people to science, differential stimulation of the work of scientists by providing scientific problem-oriented targeted funding, inclusion of scientific journals in the “Web of Science” and “Scopus” databases, strengthening ties with scientists living abroad, as well as between science and the private sector, legal protection results of scientific research, effective organization of coordination of science, improvement of the mechanism of financing of science, sending young people to study abroad through the appropriate State program for training scientific personnel and organization of an academic university, evaluation of scientific activity, protection of the authority of science and scientists, access to international databases, etc. they voiced their proposals.

In conclusion, academician Arif Hashimov said that ANAS, which has a rich scientific potential, should be modernized in accordance with the challenges of the modern world, as well as the state policy, scientific and intellectual potential should be mobilized for these purposes.

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