Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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14.05.2015 11:45
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2nd Republican scientific-practical conference on multidisciplinary Information privacy

2nd Republican scientific-practical conference on multidisciplinary Information privacy

On May 14, Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS held the 2nd Republican scientific-practical conference on multidisciplinary information privacy issues dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the International Telecommunication Union. The conference held by organization of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS was attended by representatives of relevant state bodies of the country, universities, researchers and experts in the field of ICT research institutions of ANAS, as well as media representatives.

The conference started with the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the International Telecommunication Union.

Opening the event President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh praised the event dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the International Telecommunication Union as an important event for the scientific community of Azerbaijan. Academician emphasized the importance of the conference, which brought together leading scientists and experts in the field of IT to discuss one of the most important scientific problems of the global information society - Information Privacy, and noted the importance of this event on a regular basis.

It was reported that, activities of the International Telecommunication Union, which was founded May 17, 1865, served as the formation and development of the communication environment, which is one of the most popular areas of humanity. In 2006, at the initiative of the United Nations the date of this organization was marked as World Day of Telecommunications and Information Society. The head of ANAS noted that the organization plays an important role in the development of modern information and communication technologies, including the Internet, in the development and security of the information society, as well as concept development, model laws, standards and other regulatory mechanisms in this area.

Alizadeh noted that Azerbaijan is also a member of the International Telecommunication Union and pays great attention to cooperation with the organization.

The academician said that the theme of the World Day of Telecommunications and Information Society Day this year is "Telecommunications and ICT: the driving forces of innovation." Bringing to the fore the relevance of topics, he stressed that the development of the ICT sector and the establishment of the information society solely depends on effective innovation, while at the same time, noted the impossibility of achieving innovative development without ICT capabilities.

Having said that, the future of humanity is closely linked with the innovative development based on the opportunities of ICT, scientist informed the audience that one of the main objectives in the Development Concept "Azerbaijan 2020: vision to the future" is to support scientific capacity and innovation. And to accomplish this, academician expressed the importance of accelerating the process of formation of a secure information society and the knowledge economy, as well as the creation of high-end technologies, products and services.

ANAS President also noted that the target of "National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan Republic for 2014-2020" is providing an information society.

The scientist told about scientific computer network AzScienceNet, ensuring the integration of domestic science into the world scientific space, noted that one of the activities of the network is closely related to information privacy.

Noting the crucial role of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies and the Ministry of Education to make AzScienceNet the member of GEANT organizations, head of ANAS expressed gratitude to the leadership of both ministries.

In closing, academician announced targeted expansion of the boundaries of a conference aimed at ensuring a high level of information privacy in Azerbaijan and obtaining her international status.

Further, Minister of Communications and High Technologies, academician Ali Abbasov presented its report entitled "State policy in the field of information privacy”. He said that information privacy at the required level is one of the priorities of the state policy and purposeful work is being done in this direction. He stressed the importance of mobilizing the intellectual potential of the state, in particular, the society in order to ensure information privacy.

Then the academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev made a report "Information threats of the XXI century and strategies to deal with them."

It was noted that since the end of XX - XXI century humanity faces to a series of cyber threats. Formation of the universal values of the Internet in this short time is quite a complex process. Along with the measures taken by the state in the direction of information security, the active participation of the scientific community on this issue as necessary.

According to the scientist, the development of information technology has not only a positive effect on all aspects of society, but also gives rise to negative results. This attitude is necessary to approach the issue of information security as a global problem.

The academician said that the basis of the information policy of the Azerbaijan state laid by national leader Heydar Aliyev, determined its strategic goals, direction and resources. On the eve of a new phase of development of AR President Ilham Aliyev has continued the policy of information privacy at a high level.

He also expressed the importance of multidisciplinary research problems in the field of information privacy and improvement of the legal framework in this area.

"Virtual problems of real-world, and vice versa are waiting for their decision," - said R. Alguliyev and challenged for the collaboration of all scientists and specialists in the country to address the scientific problems in the field of ICT.

The plenary sessions of the conference were reported Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijani Press Council Mushfig Alesgerli, director of the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS, academician Telman Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan Internet Forum Osman Gunduz, editor in chief of "Yeni Azerbaijan", Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Hikmet Babaogly, deputy director of the Institute Philosophy and Law of ANAS, Doctor of Law, Professor Bahram Zahidov and others.

Then, was held ceremony of awarding the winners of the “X Republican Olympiad in Informatics among university students" and they donated valuable gifts.

The conference continued its work in three parallel workshops.

Note that the conference was submitted 74 scientific reports from various government, research and educational institutions in the country.

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