Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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27.04.2022 15:00
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The General meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan was held

The General meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan was held

On April 27, the General meeting of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held at the Main building of ANAS.

The event was attended by the Head of the Department of Humanitarian Policy, Diaspora, Multiculturalism and Religious Issues of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Farah Aliyeva, Minister of Education Emin Amrullayev, Chairman of the Supreme Attestation Commission Under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Famil Mustafayev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Examination Center Maleika Abbaszadeh, members of the Presidium of ANAS, state and government officials, deputies, full and corresponding members of the Academy, chief and executive directors of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, rectors of higher educational institutions, as well as Azerbaijani scientists, living abroad.

Opening the meeting, acting president of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov greeted the participants of the event and brought to the attention the issues on the agenda of the General meeting.

Then the opening speech of academician Arif Hashimov was heard. Noting that the General meeting is dedicated to the report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the National Academy of Sciences, which is the main center of fundamental and applied research in the country in 2021, the academician said that last year was remembered for a number of successes in the socio-economic and cultural-spiritual development of the Republic.

Among them, academician Arif Hashimov, noting several important events, noted that this is due to the holding of a series of events related to the 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi, the solemn celebration of the anniversary of the historic victory over the enemy under the leadership of the President of Azerbaijan, Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, numerous visits of Mr. President to the territories liberated from occupation, which have become special events in the socio-political and the cultural life of the country, the grandiose festival “Kharibulbul” and Vagif Poetry Days were held in Shusha. He also stressed that the reconstruction and construction works carried out in the liberated territories, in particular the commissioning of the Fuzuli International Airport, the strengthening of victory, numerous political and diplomatic initiatives aimed at strengthening the authority of Azerbaijan in the region and the world, the signing of the “Shusha Declaration” with friendly, fraternal Turkey, awarding Mr. President Ilham Aliyev the highest the Order of the Turkic World, are important historical moments.

“All these are just a few of the events that created the overall picture of last year and marked the main directions of Azerbaijan's strategic development line. Thus, Azerbaijan, whose influence in the world and in the region has greatly strengthened after the historic victory, entered a new stage of its development”, said academician Arif Hashimov.

The speaker noted that 2021 was remembered with a number of events in the field of science in accordance with the general development processes in the country, continued fundamental and applied research of scientists working in scientific institutions of the Republic, achieved a number of important results and successes in the field of scientific and scientific-organizational activities. He said that this year some changes have been made to the format of the General meeting, unlike previous years, reports will be presented not by the academician-secretary of the Academy, but by the vice-presidents leading the divisions. He said that the main purpose of the change is to present more detailed scientific research and organizational work carried out by the divisions, which are the main leading structure of the Academy and to hold more effective discussions.

Recalling that, according to the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 9, 2018, March 27 was established in the Republic as a “Science Day”, the head of ANAS noted that due to the limitations created by the coronavirus pandemic in recent years, it is impossible to mark the “Science Day” at the proper level: “This year, an action plan dedicated to the “Science Day” was prepared on the basis of proposals submitted by scientific divisions, enterprises and organizations of ANAS, as the conditions of the quarantine regime in connection with the pandemic mitigated. These measures are aimed at strengthening the authority of scientific activity in society, popularizing science, evaluating the work of scientists, promoting them to new scientific achievements and successes, etc. it covers directions”.

Academician Arif Hashimov noted that it was decided to celebrate the summit of events related to the “Science Day” on a single day with the General meeting and a number of events were organized within the framework of the meeting, including an exhibition of achievements of the Academy, which will operate until April 29.

After the introductory speech of academician Arif Hashimov, reports of scientific divisions of ANAS on scientific and scientific-organizational activities in 2021 were heard.

Firstly, the report on the activities of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences (DPMTS) of the Academy in 2021 was presented to the public. Vice-president of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev said that last year, guided by the tasks arising from the calls of the head of state, the scientific institutions of the DPMTS provided scientific and practical support to the work carried out in the direction of restoration, reconstruction and development of the liberated territories. Speaking about the prospects for cooperation with science and educational institutions, R.Alguliyev emphasized the importance of establishment of departments of higher schools in scientific institutions of DPMTS, preparation of textbooks for secondary and specialized schools, as well as implementation of joint projects with general education institutions of the Republic. Stressing that there is a need for training of personnel in new specialties and fields of knowledge that meet the global challenges of the modern era, the vice-president said that most of these fields of knowledge and specialties are characterized by wide application of mathematics and informatics and made a number of proposals.

Then, at the meeting, the report on scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Chemical Sciences of ANAS for 2021 was heard. Presenting the report, vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Division of Scientific Council, academician Dilgam Tagiyev emphasized that the advantages of modified natural alumosilicate catalyst for hydrocracking of vacuum gasoil were shown, new expressions and filtration equations were obtained for the assessment of hydraulic diffusion coefficients of non-newtonian oils in porous environments in the field of chemical engineering, new organic compounds, it was synthesized cyclopropane-containing polymers with optical transparency. He also said that “Karabakh-4” plant height stimulator, “Baku Steel Company” CJSC has been applying new white beet, organic mineral fertilizer prepared on local raw materials to increase the sustainability of the working part of the shafts and made a number of proposals on the development of science and protection of the reputation of scientists.

Presenting the report on scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Earth Sciences of ANAS for 2021, deputy chairman of the Scientific Council of the division, academician Fakhraddin Gadirov noted that, last year, the rational use of Water Resources of Karabakh and Zangazur economic regions, the capture and use of carbon dioxide in Azerbaijan, as well as the impact of global investigations were carried out in the directions. The scientist is responsible for increasing the country's defense power, fundamental problems of oil and gas geology and geochemistry, mud volcanism, geophysical fields and nature of the Earth, modern geodynamics and seismology, analysis of ore and non-ore mineral deposits by new innovative methods, alternative energy sources, complex research of the Caspian Sea ecosystem, climate change and organization of geodynamic and seismic network, he said that comprehensive studies on demography and other important areas were the priority areas of the Division.

Presenting the report of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of the Academy to the participants of the General meeting, vice-president of ANAS, academician Irada Huseynova said that in 2021 the main directions of scientific research on biological and medical sciences are research, restoration, protection, rational use of biodiversity, land and water resources with modern approaches, creation of electronic databases and maps, molecular,genetic and the fundamental and applied foundations of postgenom technologies were developed. According to her, the solution of food security, human health and biosafety problems with the use of postgenom and digital technologies, machine learning methods, artificial intelligence, ensuring the efficient use of biological, water and land resources are new priorities in biology and medical sciences.

Later, the report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS for 2021 was heard. Vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Division, academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that the researches carried out in the section are aimed at the formation and development laws of Azerbaijani literature, the development prospects of linguistics and the Azerbaijani language, collection, cataloging, preservation and promotion of material samples of Azerbaijani literary and scientific-public opinion reached us, the history of, it is devoted to the preservation of materials related to Azerbaijani literature and culture in scientific foundations, their display at exhibitions and expositions, collection and propaganda of Javids heritage. According to him, the ideological-strategic orientations of scientific research and scientific-organizational measures carried out in the institutions of the DHS were determined on the basis of the principles of independent statehood of the ideology of azerbaijanism taking into account world experience.

Acting vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Division of Social Sciences, academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva emphasized that last year, the division led by her conducted research on the general, political and socio-economic history, underground and surface historical monuments of Azerbaijan, archaeological excavations in settlements and various types of grave monuments, sociological, socio-psychological problems of the transition period, philosophical analysis of the development of gender relations in Azerbaijan. She also noted that important work is being carried out to study the socio-economic, macroeconomic and regional problems of the formation of an independent national economy of Azerbaijan, the analysis of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, political problems occurring in the Caucasus, demonstrations at expositions and exhibitions of material values reflecting the history of the Azerbaijani people and also voiced a number of proposals for improving and developing the activities of ANAS.

Then, academicians Akif Alizadeh, Asaf Hajiyev and deputy chairman of the Committee on Science and Education of the Milli Majlis, corresponding member of ANAS Bakhtiyar Aliyev expressed their opinions and suggestions.

Then, assistant to the first vice-president of ANAS Nuray Nuruzade voiced the draft decision of the General meeting of ANAS.

Taking into account the comments and suggestions made by the members of ANAS, the draft decision was put to the vote. According to the results of voting, reports on scientific and scientific-organizational activities of scientific and regional divisions of ANAS for 2021 were approved. Also, the activities of the Presidium of ANAS for 2021 were considered satisfactory. Pursuant to the above-mentioned decision, the Presidium of ANAS shall carry out relevant decrees, orders and decisions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Cabinet of Ministers, render scientific support to restoration and construction works in the liberated territories, strengthen international scientific cooperation relations, improve international rating indicators related to scientific publications, development of education in ANAS, youth policy, relevant instructions were given on scientific-research and scientific-organizational activities.

At the General meeting, the chairman of the Charter Commission of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli made a speech on the Charter of ANAS.

At the meeting, Honorary Decrees of ANAS were also presented on the occasion of March 27 - “Science Day”.

In conclusion, the final speech of the Acting President of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov was heard. In his speech, he spoke about the new and important tasks facing the Academy. He stressed that taking into account the initial academic institutions established in our republic at the beginning of the last century, the history of the Academy of Sciences is approaching 100 years. Noting that the Academy played an unprecedented role in the socio-cultural progress of the Azerbaijani people during this period, the head of ANAS said that the glorious historical past in all cases is proud, but only the closure of the past is to lag behind from development.

“The modern era in which we live is an era of global transformations. It is no secret that in the future, a digital society that supports modern technologies and innovations will become the driving force of development. Therefore, in order to move the country forward in competition, ecosystems that stimulate the creativity and innovation of society must be built. This requires the development of a number of new specialties and branches of science in accordance with the requirements of the new labor market. Examples include artificial intelligence, modern technologies and neural networks, decision-making automation, cybersecurity, applied microbiology and biotechnology, biomedical engineering, renewable energy, sustainable environment, global planetary climate change, etc. can be shown. At the same time, we should not forget about the development of social and humanitarian sciences at the modern theoretical and methodological level, which study our national and moral values, history, culture, forming ideology, that is, we are. It should be borne in mind that research in the field of social and humanitarian sciences is carried out mainly by our own national personnel”, A.Hashimov stressed.

Noting that the most important task facing the Academy now is to modernize at the level of new challenges of the XXI century, based on rich scientific traditions and experience, create a new model of tradition and modernity, the speaker emphasized the importance of creating a scientific environment where scientific creativity and innovation can be stimulated on the basis of self-regulating mechanisms. He noted that the success of the development strategy of science, along with all other factors, depends more on its ideological core, philosophical approach to science, social position and moral attitude of the intellectual, scientist: “As members of the Academy, we must turn mutual dialogue, collegial discussion, consensus in decision-making, sincerity in relation to each other, conscience in relation to work into the main criteria. However, no matter how much time has accelerated, these values have not lost their functionality today. On the contrary, it is more necessary to return moral values in the most modern innovative management now”.

Academician Arif Hashimov wished the participants of the event success, noting that ANAS has withstood many tests, the traditions of scientific schools created by our great scientists, the caring approach of the great leader to the Academy, which recommends taking into account strategic goals, the modern challenges of President Ilham Aliyev give another confidence that it will cope with the tasks set on this path and summed up the results of the General meeting.

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