Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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19.05.2022 09:36
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A meeting on improving the international rating indicators of scientific publications was held at ANAS

A meeting on improving the international rating indicators of scientific publications was held at ANAS

On May 18, a meeting of the subgroup “On improving international rating indicators (H index) related to scientific publications” operating under the Working Group “Technology and innovations” of the Commission on Business Environment and İnternational Ratings of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held at the Main building of ANAS.

The purpose of the “Road map for 2022 in connection with the improvement of the international rating indicators of scientific publications” was the measures taken, the work carried out and discussions in this direction, listening to proposals.

Acting President of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov, head of the subgroup, director of the public legal entity “E-Government Development Center” Fariz Jafarov, executive director of the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Imanova, members of the Presidium of ANAS, relevant departments of the Presidium administration, general directors and representatives of scientific institutions and organizations attended the event.

Opening the meeting, academician Arif Hashimov said that earlier meetings were held on the improvement of international rating indicators related to scientific publications, extensive discussions were held and a number of questions arose. Noting that the commission on Business Environment and international ratings of ANAS is represented in the working groups “Human capital” and “Technology and innovation”, academician Arif Hashimov said that this process will play a special role in the further development of relations between science and education and said that the opinions and suggestions to be made by our scientists with many years of experience in this direction will be taken into account at the meeting.

Then, Fariz Jafarov, head of the subgroup “On improvement of international rating indicators (H index) related to scientific publications”, presented the report on the work done in March-April of the current year on the Road map of 2022. He said that the purpose of the activity of the subgroup is to establish relations between scientific and educational institutions, to organize coordination, to bring international experience to Azerbaijan and to build a process using professional specialists in this field. F.Jafarov said that various institutions, ANAS, the state agency for Public Service and Social Innovations, The Ministry of Education, The Higher Attestation Commission, the Science Development Foundation and others are involved in this process and the document for the next 2022 year after the implementation of the action plan for 3 years is planned.

Noting that Azerbaijan's position in the Global Innovation Index improved in 2021 and it took 80th place, F. Jafarov noted that Azerbaijan's positions lag behind in a number of indices.The speaker noted that the main reasons for this are physical impossibility to cover all world publications, domination of certain scientific paradigms in journals, non-traditional views that prevent the publication of publications, insufficient presentation of applied research, insufficient assessment of the content of articles and selection of journals based on impact factor without taking into account the specifics of national practice. He brought to the attention that work is being done to eliminate this problem, good relations are established with the UN and the World Bank and all innovations are sent to them immediately, as well as measures aimed at improving the position of our country in other rating indicators are being implemented.

The speaker said that today in the international rating indicators of Azerbaijani science, mathematics, physics and other areas dominate, but the indicators in history and other areas are low. He stressed that despite the fact that significant research has been carried out in areas with a negative trend, there are few English materials and as a result, this affects their rating. F.Jafarov noted that a number of discussions were held in the direction of increasing the index of our journals, obtaining an impact factor, their inclusion in international scientific bases, improving the quality of articles, as well as reference indicators.

The speaker noted that within the framework of the “Roadmap for improving international rating indicators for scientific publications for 2022”, measures are being implemented in 5 areas - integration into the global scientific space, strengthening scientific intellectual potential, the formation of incentive mechanisms, the definition of clear goals and evaluation policy of the state in the field of scientific research and bringing scientific publications into compliance with international standards.

In addition, he said that for science and educational institutions, which include the personal profile of scientists, as well as “Web of Science”, “Scopus”, etc. a single portal containing magazines, articles, grants and other information contained in the databases is intended to be developed. He said that access to the portal will be provided for enterprises and conditions will be created for regular updates of scientific results of scientists.

Then, the head of the Scientific Organization Department of the Presidium of ANAS, a member of the above-mentioned subgroup, PhD in Physics, Associate Professor Rustam Rustamov said that the created environment will play an important role in building the system that meets international standards and solving existing problems. He noted that for the effective implementation of these works in ANAS, an appropriate Working Group was established and direct contacts were established with the relevant bodies.

R.Rustamov stressed that, 48-50 percent of journals, articles and references reflected in the databases of our country such as “Web of Science“, “Scopus” fall to the share of ANAS and close cooperation with “Web of Science and other bases is being continued.

He also said that ANAS holds joint competitions with TUBITAK, SOCAR Science Fund and Science Development Fund and most of the grants winners are employees of the Academy. In addition, broad discussions were held between ANAS and TUBITAK on the creation of Centers of excellence that will contribute to the fundamental development of science.

Academicians Irada Huseynova, Fikret Aliyev, Vagif Abbasov, corresponding members of ANAS Misir Mardanov, Vagif Guliyev, PhD in biology Esmira Alirzayeva, PhD in philology Mehman Hasanli and Azizaga Najafov also voiced their opinions and suggestions. In the proposals made their propositions include promotion of scientific works in international journals, representation of scientists who play an active role in the editorial board of journals, awarding of scientists who published articles in high rating journals, creation of Scientific Publishing House of the Academy, formation of legal mechanism for issuing dual diplomas, creation of the national scientometric base increasing the number of references of our scientists by electronization of previously published articles.

In conclusion, academician Arif Hashimov stressed the importance of restoring the Publishing Council of ANAS, which plays an important role in improving the quality of journals and articles published at the Academy and awarding prizes provided for in the proposals based on the presentation of the council, noted that discussions on improving the quality of scientific publications and international rating indicators will be held regularly.

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