Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


30.08.2022 16:20
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The next online event was organized within the joint project between HTP and STEPI

The next online event was organized within the joint project between  HTP and STEPI

The next online lecture was held within the framework of the project "Operation program of the High Technology Park in Azerbaijan: implementation and capacity building" between the High Technology Park (HTP) and the Korea Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI).

The lecture was presented by Prof. Choi, Jong-in Vice President of Industry-University Collaboration, Hanbat National University of Korea.

At the event, the Korean professor informed about the "Idea, Need and Capability" (INC) model, shared his experiences on technology-product-market relations, technology commercialization methodology and entrepreneurship education, as well as ways to overcome the "valley of death" in entrepreneurship.

It was decided to organize practical training on the topics in a seminar to be held in Baku in October with the participation of Korean experts.

It should be noted that Professor Choi, Jong-in received doctoral studies in Korea and the United States, and worked as an invited scientist at the Center for Innovation Management Studies (CIMS) at North Carolina State University. He has been the director of DIVA (Daedeok Innopolis Venture Association), a group of 2,000 new technology-based firms (NTBFs), for 7 years, and currently serves as a board member of many venture companies. In 2017-2018, Professor Choi served as the CEO and President of the Human Resource Development Academy, and in 2019-2020 as the CEO of the Korea Innovation Cluster Academy. He has participated as an expert in the formulation of national policy on innovation in many developing countries. The scientist's research areas are technology commercialization, entrepreneurship education, innovation cluster and technoparks. Choi, Jong-in is the author of nearly 100 articles and 15 books on innovation, technology management and policy.

We remind you that the project "Operation program of the High Technology Park in Azerbaijan: implementation and capacity building" to be implemented in 2022-2024 is managed by the Science and Technology Policy Institute of Korea with HTP. The project aims to strengthen the operational potential and competitiveness of the technopark through basic training programs, support the formation and development of an innovative economic ecosystem in the country, as well as increase operational experience.

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