Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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17.09.2022 11:00
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A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Central Scientific Library and the Scientific and Technical Information Center of the Ministry of innovative Development of Uzbekistan

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Central Scientific Library and the Scientific and Technical Information Center of the Ministry of innovative Development of Uzbekistan

Director of the Scientific and Technical Information Center of the Ministry of İnnovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Abduvaliyev and head of the Geophysics and Nanomineralogy Department of the Center Ilkhom Alimukhammed visited the Central Scientific Library (CSL).

The meeting was attended by the head of the Scientific-organizational Department of the Presidium of ANAS, associate professor Rustam Rustamov and the head of the Department of İnternational Scientific Cooperation, associate professor Esmira Alirzayeva.

Firstly, CSL general director, professor Mammad Aliyev informed the guests about the activities of the library and its working principles and familiarized them with the library. During the familiarization, the exhibition hall, gallery of busts of 15 academicians, rare books and valuable publications fund, as well as the Karabakh War Heroes Fund, which is the first in the library system, were inspected and detailed information about the purpose and activities of the foundation was provided.

At the meeting, which continued around the round table, general director Mammad Aliyev noted that in the future he approaches the cooperation of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS with the Scientific and Technical Information Center of Uzbekistan with great hopes. He said that holding various projects in both cultural and scientific fields will contribute to the development of relations between the two countries. During his speech, professor Mammad Aliyev brought to the attention the issues of inter-library exchange with Uzbek libraries and broad cooperation in this direction. It was emphasized that the exchange of books, information and experience with the National Library of the Republic of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi will significantly increase the access of readers to rich information resources.

Expressing satisfaction with the meeting, Abdulaziz Abduvaliyev, director of the Scientific and Technical Information Center of the Ministry of İnnovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, highly appreciated the conditions created at the CSL. The director of the center also noted that at today's meeting a solid foundation was created for the development of effective partnership relations.

Then a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the two structures.

At the end, the guests were presented valuable publications by CSL.

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