Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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17.06.2015 23:48
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Next assembly of the Board of Directors of ANAS institutions held

Next assembly of the Board of Directors of ANAS institutions held

Next assembly of the Board of Directors of ANAS institutions was held at main building of an academy on June 17. In the assembly were attended President of ANAS, Vice-Presidents, academician-secretaries of scientific departments, directors of scientific institutions of ANAS,  chiefs of the divisions and departments of ANAS as well.

Opening the event, president of ANAS, chairman of the Board of Directors Acad. Akif Alizadeh informed on the issues of agenda, drew attention to the deeds done on the occasion of 70th anniversary of ANAS. AR President Ilham Aliyev signed Order on the celebration of 70th anniversary of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, which has played vital role in social thought and public prosperity of the people, and with the goal to execute the Order, AR Cabinet of Ministers endorsed “Action Plan dedicated to celebration of 70th anniversary of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences”. Action plan intends the implementing of important events which relate to jubilee celebration, publishing several books, including Editorial Board and Working were created by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS, he noted.

Then, deputy chairman of Working group Acad. Vagif Farzaliyev provided information on the preparatory state of publications which relate to jubilee celebration.

In the event, academician-secretaries of scientific departments of ANAS were charged to accelerate works connected with relevant editions.

Vice-President of ANAS. Acad. Isa Habibbayli paid to attention that, shootings of “Azerbaijan science temple” film, which devoted to 70th anniversary and dealt with development way of ANAS, are ongoing. In film shootings were used archive materials of ANAS that are unknown to public so far, he pointed out.

Making speech on the taken measures and adopted decisions in the sphere of ANAS in recent years, Aminaga Sadigov, chief of ANAS Presidium Administration department of Science and Education, Dr. Engineering, stressed out the implementation of substantial reforms due to improving the education. One of the works carried out in ANAS for improving education is to hold entrance and doctoral exams in accordance of new requirements.

According to him, conducting exams based on the new requirements will for contribute to the eliminating of existing problems in this regard, ensuring transparency in exams, improving foreign language skills and solving problems faced by post-graduates while publishing scientific articles.

In the assembly, exchange of view was held on research works which carried out relied on agricultural agreements (on account of extra-budgetary funds), implementation of programs funded by Presidium of ANAS and other issues.

In closing, discussions were held and questions responded.

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