Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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23.07.2015 08:40
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International scientific workshop on molecular diagnostics of GMO

International scientific workshop on molecular diagnostics of GMO

Laboratory corpus of the Institute of Botany hosted for international scientific workshop devoted to results of the project dubbed “Molecular diagnostics of a variety of the diseases of agricultural crops, seeds imported to Azerbaijan and genetically modified organisms (GMO)".

Workshop co-organized by UN Interregional Crime and Law Research Institute and Fundamental problems of biological productivity department of the Institute of Botany of ANAS within the framework of “Strengthening biosafety and bioprotection opportunities in South Caucasus and Central Asian countries" program. Project manager is Academician Jalal Aliyev, execution duration is of 20 months.

International workshop was opened by Academician-secretary of ANAS Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov who highlighted the importance of this problem not only for our republic but also for mankind. Within the project researches are being carried out due to protecting of plant world from viruses, their diagnosing via serological and molecular methods, including studying GMO. In Azerbaijan, these researches are supervised by Academician Jalal Aliyev and successfully continued at the Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Institute, he noted.

Director of the Institute of Botany, corresponding member Valida Alizadeh made speech on taken measures and stated that, studies on viral and phytoplasma diseases of plants were commenced under auspices of Jalal Aliyev in Azerbaijan for the first time in 2005, obtained great results in a short term, trained qualified staff, realized domestic and international grants. 

Taking part in the workshop Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, corresponding member of ANAS Novruz Guliyev noted that, these researches are a new direction both Institute of Botany and Fundamental problems of biological productivity department.

Then, chief of Bioadaptation department of the institute, Academician Irada Huseynova spoke about scientific-practical significance of the project. Lecturer expressed her gratitude to UNICRI representatives – Dr. Horst Stoebel and Dr. Odhran James Mccarthy.

“Crop diseases” web-site was presented at the end of opening ceremony.

After break, workshop chaired by Dr. Alain Kheyr-Pour was continued. Acad. Irada Huseynova delivered a lecture on “Report of the project, key goal, objectives, obtained results and their scientific and practical importance”.

She informed about monitoring carried out for phytoplasma diseases in different regions of Azerbaijan, diagnosis and identification of diseases via serological and molecular methods, results of surveys held for molecular diagnostics of the genetically modified agricultural crops, modern equipment purchased under the project and their usage, map and monographs portraying the spread of these diseases in our country.

Professor at the University of Ankara Filiz Ertunj’s "New threat for Turkey gardening: phytoplasma diseases and their vectors", leading scientists of Avignon Center of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research - prof. Cecile Desbiez's "Viral diseases infecting cucumber, tomato and pepper crops in Azerbaijan: 2014 monitoring results", and prof. Benoit Moury's “Diagnostics methods for crop viruses” aroused interest in the event.

At the end of the workshop, director of the Institute of Botany, corresponding member of ANAS Valida Alizadeh and Academician Irada Huseynova thanked to participants. Certificates were presented to active ones.

Note that, workshop brought together experts, young researchers, PhD students and students from AR Ministry of Agriculture, Baku State University, Nakhchivan State University, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, Azerbaijan Technology University.

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