Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

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04.08.2015 12:47
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Archaeological researches in Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic are ongoing

Archaeological researches in Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic are ongoing

Kharaba-Gilan archaeological expedition of ANAS Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography engaged the research work in the territory of Ordubad region, Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic continues the archaeological excavations in Plovdag complex monuments, fortresses Delme and ruins of Kharaba-Gilan city.

According to the head of the archaeological expedition, PhD in history Bahlul Ibrahimli, during initial research stage of the season of current year were investigated 7 barrows in the second Plovdag necropolis.

Barrows dated back to the end of the 3rd millennium and early 2nd millennium B.C was found pottery, appropriate to ceramics layer K of the monument Goytapa, located near Urmia.

This type of ceramics more widespread in monuments in the vicinities of Nakhchivan and Urmia, prove that both regions during the Middle Bronze Age were included in a single area of archaeological culture.

B. Ibrahimli also reported that, first-year students of history faculty of Nakhchivan State University passed two-week practice in archaeological expedition Kharaba-Gilan.

Human remains belonging to the Bronze Age which were founded in Plovdag are investigated by Celine Elizabeth Nugen - anthropologist of University of Chicago, member of the International archaeological expedition Azerbaijan-America, led by a corresponding member of ANAS Vali Bakhshaliyev.

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