Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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ANAS, Institute of Strategic Studies of the Caspian Sea signed memorandum
04.09.2015 08:22
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ANAS, Institute of Strategic Studies of the Caspian Sea signed memorandum

President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh meet with Secretary-General of Caspian Strategy Institute (HASEN) Khaldun Yavash. Welcoming the guests, academician Akif Alizadeh spoke about the current state of science in the country.

The goal of the meeting was development of bilateral cooperation and expands of scientific activity between two institutions. Head of ANAS told about the attention paid to new research in Azerbaijan and told about the attention paid to new researches in Azerbaijan, to adjustment of close connections with the international organizations and preparation of highly qualified personnel.

Then, Secretary-General of HASEN Khaldun Yavash expressed gratitude for warm welcome and gave information on the organization presented by him.

It was reported that, the main activity of the research center founded in 2012 is promotion of strategic offers in the sphere of the international relations, safety, economies, educations, cultures and environmental protections.

The Secretary-General, noted that has repeatedly visits to Baku and expressed his intention to meet with different structures in order to strengthen the Turkish-Azerbaijani relations and spoke about the projects implemented in this direction.

Noting the importance of the meeting the guest emphasized that, due to the mutual relations will be enhanced opportunities for further research.

At the same time, between ANAS and HASEN was signed a memorandum of understanding.

The following provisions found the reflection in the memorandum: preparation of programs of improvement of specialties, carrying out the exchange of scientific shots and experience of remote education, ensuring bilateral usage of databases, publication of joint scientific articles and materials, organization of various actions with participation of representatives of national and international academic institutions.

During the meeting, were discussed the possibility of establishing of further cooperation and also attended by the vice-president of ANAS, academician Ibrahim Guliyev, Head of the Department of International Relations with Department of relations with the international organizations of ANAS Presidium, PhD in history Nurida Guliyeva and regional coordinator HASEN Kamala Pashayeva.

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