Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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05.10.2015 15:34
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Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev was on a scientific trip to Russia

Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev was on a scientific trip to Russia

Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev was on a scientific trip to Moscow, the capital of Russia. Trip aimed to attend the meetings at the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 

Meeting was attended by Foundation for Fundamental Research Department on Earth, human and social sciences, Professor Jmur Vladimir Vladimirovich, Deputy Chairman of the Foundation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Kvardakov, head of International Relations Sharipov Oleg Vasilevich, chief of the Division of the International relations department for multilateral international problems and cooperation in the post-Soviet Sorokotyaqa Yaroslav Viktorovich and deputy chief of the same division, PhD in chemistry Bumaqina Irina Grigoryevna.

While discussions it was decided to sign a tripartite agreement among Russian Foundation for Basic Research, ANAS and Science Development Foundation under AR President in the near future. Agreement intends to carry out competitions on fundamental researches in ANAS, including several multidisciplinary scientific directions. In closing, Academician I.Guliyev has invited head of Russian Foundation for Basic Research to attend 70th anniversary of ANAS to be held in November.

Note that, tripartite agreement is expected to sign on the eve of jubilee of Academy. 

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