Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


29.10.2015 10:20
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Employees of Nakhchivan Department visited "Khan Palace" State Historical and Architectural Museum

Employees of Nakhchivan Department visited "Khan Palace" State Historical and Architectural Museum


Chairman of ANAS Nakhchivan Department, Academician Ismayil Hajiyev, employees of Institute of History, Ethnography and Archaeology and Institute of Art, Institute of Language and Literature of department visited “Khan Palace” State Historical and Architectural Museum, in Nakhchivan.

Visitors provided details about the history of the museum, which was established in accordance with the Order of Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated October 23, 2010.

Noted that, the “Khan Palace” building with oriental architecture has been a residential house before the beginning of the XX century. The palace was built by the father of the last Nakhchivan Khan Ehsan Khan Kangarli Kelbali Khan. The Khan Palace functions as Nakhchivan carpet museum since April 1998.

Noted that, the “Khan Palace” building was reconstructed and archival materials, necessary for activity of this cultural institution were collected and transferred to the museum.

The opening of the “Khan Palace” State historical and architectural museum was held on December 17, 2010.

The main goal of the museum is to study and promote the history of Nakhchivan khanate, which had a special place in the history of national statehood of Azerbaijan.

Within the “Museum’s Day” the employees of Nakhchivan Department visit museums in Nakhchivan, get acquainted with exhibits reflecting a life and activity of prominent personalities, history, culture and national values of the country.

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