Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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03.11.2015 17:43
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Department of Earth Sciences discussed several issues

Department of Earth Sciences discussed several issues

ANAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics held next meeting of the Department of Earth Sciences (DES) on November 3.

Meeting was attended by bureau members, directors of the Institutes of Geology Geophysics and Geography and Republican Seismological Survey Center, Deputy Directors for scientific affairs, scientific secretaries and members of scientific councils of the institutes.

Academician-secretary of the Department, Acad. Fakhraddin Gadirov who opened the meeting, congratulated notable scientist in the sphere of oil-gas geology and geo chemistry, chief Department of Fluid dynamics of sedimentary basins, corresponding member of ANAS Akper Feyzullayev on the occasion of 70th anniversary and wished him successes in development of science.

Later on, a group of employees operating in the organizations attached to department were awarded the Honorary Orders of DES for their merits in scientific-social activities connected to 70th anniversary of ANAS.

Making presentation on “Development history and prospects of the Department of Earth Sciences”, F.Gadirov stated that, currently department includes Institutes of Geology Geophysics and Geography. Republican Seismological Survey Center operates attached to the department as well.

DES’s scientific research objects are geology, geophysics, elaboration of oil-gas beds, solution of fundamental and applied problems in the sphere of seismology and geography. Department coordinates complex of fundamental and applied research covering earth sciences which carried out in the republic. Besides aforementioned institutes and Center, DES collaborates via earth-oriented ventures, geology, geophysics and geography profiled chairs of the universities, as well as well-known scientists of the foreign institutions, noted lecturer.

Noted that, Commissions of geology and geophysics, geodynamics and geological risks, elaboration of oil and gas fields, Geography, Environment and sections of the Caspian Sea and alternative energy, natural resources, environmental protection and ecology, natural disasters and forecast are functioned in the DES.

Notifying about publication of the research results of department members on the journals with impact factor of Thomson Reuters, F.Gadirov noted that, papers of the employees were cited to 2,000 in latest 3 years.

Stated that, currently, researches which carried out in the DES are directed to strengthening state independence and executing challenges of the President on shifting Azerbaijan into a scientific center as the region’s economic and political center.

Academician-secretary of DES said that, research plan tends to deeply study of the geological structure of the Earth by means of geotomographic methods, exploration of new oil -gas fields and mineral resources and development of the directions connected with geological hazards, desertification and ecology based on space technologies.

In the event were delivered lectures by Deputy Director of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics for scientific affairs, Dr. Geology-mineralogy Dadash Huseynov “Institute of Geology and Geophysics: Achievements and prospects”, Director of the Institute of Geography, Acad. Ramiz Mammadov “Institute of Geography named after Acad. H.A.Aliyev: Achievements and prospects” and Director of Republican Seismological Survey Center, corresponding member of ANAS Gurban Yetirmishli “Republican Seismological Survey Center in the years of independence”.

Lectures were widely discussed, questions responded.

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