Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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06.11.2015 14:52
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Press conference on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of ANAS

Press conference on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of ANAS

President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh held a press conference on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of ANAS at the Presidium of ANAS. Declaring the event open, the head of the Academy welcomed the guests and media representatives. Participants will be guided through the eve of the anniversary of the works and projects implemented at the Academy.

Referring to the order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev on March 14, 2014 "On holding the 70th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan", Academician Akif Alizadeh noted that the Academy has played an exceptional role in the formation of the scientific and intellectual potential of the country, in the determination of strategy of development of science in accordance with the requirements of the present and prepare highly specialized staff in various scientific fields. Since its inception, the Academy of Sciences has made great strides, have been made various scientific schools of ANAS successfully integrated into international scientific institutions. President of the Academy emphasized that today ANAS with dignity cope with all the challenges that it faces in strengthening the foundations of independent statehood, and does not regret his forces for economic and social progress, moral and cultural development of society.

Academician Akif Alizadeh noted that the anniversary of ANAS is a significant event not only for research but also for the socio-cultural life of Azerbaijan as a whole. The Academy, one of the founders of which 70 years ago were prominent figures of science, culture and social thought of the republic, and today is actively involved in socio-economic, moral and cultural development of the country.

Director of ANAS noted that in order to fulfill orders of the head of state by the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated November 21, 2014 approved the "Action Plan dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences". During this time, Organizing Committee has successfully implemented all the activities related to the preparation for the anniversary of ANAS.

Then academician spoke about the activities undertaken to mark the anniversary. He noted that the decree of the Presidium of the book "The Academy faces", which reflects the scientific biography of scientists who are active members, corresponding members and honorary members of ANAS since its inception up to date. This book, released on the eve of the anniversary and attracted the attention of a wide audience, is of exceptional importance to the scientific community. The academician said that on every page of this book comes to life light-emitting personality of a prominent scientist who has devoted his life to scientific work. Those are - the great scientists with essential services in the creation and development of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences - the temple of science, which rises on a solid foundation of our ancient and rich scientific heritage. Director of ANAS noted that the book contains biographies, along with photographs of more than 450-year-scientists. At the same time, on the first pages of the book published by the aforementioned Order of the President of the Republic.

Noting that, in connection with the 70th anniversary of ANAS made a documentary film titled "Science Temple of Azerbaijan," the academician said that the film is about the care of the state, which provided the institution in different historical stages of its development, the merits of prominent figures, place and ANAS positions in public life. The author of the script and the head of the creative group of the film, filmed at the studio "Salname", is the Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli and cast director - Honored Art Worker Ayaz Salayev.

At the press conference it noted that in connection with the 70th anniversary of ANAS prepared social reel, which is broadcast on TV channels. Dedicated to the anniversary of the social video, telling about the areas of the Academy's contribution to the science of ANAS, the successes and achievements of recent years, is also broadcast on large screens installed in the central streets of the city.

The head of the Academy spoke about the awarding of employees of ANAS on the occasion of the anniversary. He noted that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on awarding a number of employees, many years of fruitful work in ANAS and having special merits in the development of domestic science, Order "Sharaf" and "Shohrat" Medal "Taraggi" the honorary title "Honored Scientific Worker of Science "," Honored Worker of Culture "," Honored Engineer " and" Honorary Diploma of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan ". Academician Akif Alizadeh added that some employees will be awarded the Honorary Diploma of ANAS.

Academician also spoke about the activities implemented by academic institutions and organizations to prepare for the 70th anniversary of the Academy. He noted that the booklets are prepared in three languages on the history and activities of scientific institutions, videos on the anniversary for the anniversary editions of ANAS collected materials on important scientific results of institutions and organizations. In connection with the anniversary of the achievements and the main fields of activity of the Academy, basic research and projects, grants, scientific institutions, employees were awarded honors and awards, shot TV shows and published articles in the newspapers. On the eve of the anniversary of institutions and organizations have been held international and national scientific conferences and competitions dedicated to the anniversary.

In closing, Academician Akif Alizadeh responded to questions from the media.

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