Scientific-Methodic Center for Culture study under Ministry of Culture and Tourism held round table devoted to “200th anniversary of translation and publication of Kitabi-Dede Gorgud epos into German”.
In advance, Institute of Folklore and Scientific-Methodic Center signed a cooperation of memorandum on protecting, boosting and developing material-cultural heritage.
In the event, director of the center PhD in study of art Asif Usubaliyev stated that, this epos is a mother book which guards national folklore, history and informs on our spiritual existence. This work is not only solemn monument of artistic cognition, but also source of mythic, geographic, historic and social thoughts of Azerbaijani turks, and the ancient book of mother tongue.
Director of the Institute of Folklore, corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov spoke about contributions of “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud” epos to the development of our culture and folklore.
Lectures of “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud and Islam”, “Musical world in Kitabi-Dede Gorgud”, “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud”- mother tongue”, “Spiritual values in Kitabi-Dede Gorgud” epos, “Investigation history of Kitabi-Dede Gorgud” and others were listened in the event.
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