Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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13.05.2024 16:10
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Baku hosted the international conference themed “Seismic hazard updates in the Caucasus and implications for modern engineering practices”

Baku hosted the international conference themed “Seismic hazard updates in the Caucasus and implications for modern engineering practices”

The international conference themed “Seismic hazard updates in the Caucasus and implications for modern engineering practices” started in Baku, on May 13.

The leadership of the academy, representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture, foreign well-known seismologists and specialists, as well as media representatives, participated at the conference held with the organization of the Republican Seismic Survey Center under Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

Gurban Yetirmishli, corresponding member of ANAS, general director of the Republican Seismic Survey Center opened the conference commenced in “The Radisson Hotel”. He underlined that the latest seismic data collection and analysis in the Caucasus, concepts of modern building codes, and improvement of earthquake catalog, seismic methods and requirements for hazard assessment will be discussed during the conference.

Then academician Isa Habibbeyli, president of ANAS made a speech at the conference. He highlighted the importance of the international conference for studying the seismic hazard. Academician Isa Habibbeyli stressed that the reports on the experience of Caucasus countries, Moldova, and other countries of the world will be presented and in general the actual issues of seismology science will be discussed at the conference.

Saying that the theme of the conference has something in common with the environment, protection of ecological balance, and climate change problems, Isa Habibbeyli, the president of ANAS expressed confidence that COP29, to be realized in Azerbaijan with the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, will contribute to the solution of current global problems at an international level.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli pointed out that Armenia for almost 30 years, kept Karabakh region of Azerbaijan under the occupation, set massive fires there, and destroyed historical monuments, forests, and specific tree and plant species.

“More than 20 seismological stations, functioning in the region before the occupation, were destroyed by the Armenians as well and now the works are going on in Karabakh for construction of seismological stations. The construction works in the first seismological station in Dashalti village near Shusha are nearing completion and soon the first seismological center of Karabakh will be inaugurated. After it, the works will be started in all territories of Karabakh for constructing new seismological centers. This will contribute to infrastructure recovery and deeper studying of the seismic situation in the Caucasus. Seismology science in Azerbaijan entered a new stage of development. The seismologists of Azerbaijan work with up-to-date equipment and technological programs, the material and technical basis of the Republican Seismic Survey Center has been strengthened, serious scientific researches are carried out here, and relationships have been established with the well-known seismological centers of the world”-said Isa Habibbeyli. 

The academician underlined that the management and the employees of the Republican Seismic Survey Center operatively inform the population about earthquakes.

The president of ANAS underscored that the international conference will make a difference for the world seismological science, it will widen the scientific relations among the seismologists and stimulate the development of seismological science in Azerbaijan.

Later, a representative of the US Energy Department, William Wanderer, reported on “Seismic hazard updates in the Caucasus and implications for modern engineering practices”. The representative underlined that as the South Caucasus region is seismically active it is important to conduct seismological researches here. Stressing that the seismological researches are conducted at a high level in Azerbaijan the American guest highlighted the importance of the conference for obtaining new scientific knowledge on seismology.

Later on, Tuna Onur professor of the University Victoria, Canada reported on “Seismic Hazard Assessment”.

The discussions were held after the opening ceremony of the event.

It should be mentioned that the conference gathered together for about 30 representatives from 8 countries and the conference will last till May 15.

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Department of Public Relations, Press and Information of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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