Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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25.05.2024 09:00
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Academician Isa Habibbeyli joined a panel dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union

Academician Isa Habibbeyli joined a panel dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union

A panel dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union was organized in the park of the Academy of Sciences situated in front of the main building of ANAS within the 3rd Turkic World Literature and Book Festival.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli, president of ANAS, chairman of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, People’s Writer Anar, deputy chairman of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union Elchin Huseynbeyli, Turkey representative of Azerbaijan Writers' Union Imdad Avshar, Department head of the Institute of Literature of ANAS named after Nizami Ganjavi professor Asif Rustamli, writers, poets and representatives of the scientific community gathered for the event.

Professor Asif Rustamli, Department head of the Institute of Literature of ANAS named after Nizami Ganjavi was a moderator of the panel.  

Delivering his opening speech at the event Anar People’s Writer, chairman of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, touched upon the glorious way of Azerbaijan Writers' Union during past the 90 years and spoke about the essential role of the Union in the development of the literature and literary studies in the country as well as training of a new generation of writers.

Then, academician Isa Habibbeyli, president of ANAS made a speech at the event saying that the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and Azerbaijan Writers' Union had been working together for a long period for the preservation of national and spiritual values, language and literature of Azerbaijan. He stated that the Azerbaijan Writers' Union had always served for ideology of Azerbaijanism with honor and responsibility and the most outstanding writers of the country led the organization and even during the most difficult years of the soviet power the Azerbaijan Writers' Union had shown true heroism in protecting our literature, national identity and native language.

Highly assessing the leadership of People's Writer Anar, academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that a new stage of development of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union had started due to the services of the People’s Writer.  He added that the chairman of the Union had a special role in protection of Azerbaijan literature and training of a new generation of our writers and poets.

The academician noted that currently a brilliant monograph was being prepared by the Institute of Literature of ANAS named after Nizami Ganjavi as a valuable contribution to the 90th anniversary of Azerbaijan Writers' Union.    

It should be mentioned that the festival was held with the organization of the International Turkic Authors Union, and the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijan Writers’ Union, the Cultural Committee of Milli Majlis, the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku City Executive Power, International Turkic Academy, Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency and other institutions.  

This time the festival will last 8 days and each day will be dedicated to a certain country-Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. 

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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