Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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31.05.2024 16:50
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Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sancar gave a lecture at the Baku State University

Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sancar gave a lecture at the Baku State University

Being on a visit to Azerbaijan at the invitation of the president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli, the Nobel Prize laureate, honorary member of ANAS, Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of North Carolina, world-famous scientist Aziz Sancar visited the Baku State University.

The president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli, head of the Department of international relations and works with the international scientific organizations of the Administration of the Presidium of ANAS, PhD in biology, docent Esmira Alirzayeva, head of the public relations, press and information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS, PhD in philology Agahuseyn Shukurov and others participated in the meeting held with the rector of BSU Elchin Babayev.

Elchin Babayev informed the guest about the history, structure, educational and scientific activities of the Baku State University. He said that the university had been operating for 105 years and made great contributions to the development of science and education and over its long history, the university had produced influential scientists and researchers.

Aziz Sancar was interested in various fields of science at BSU including biochemistry, molecular biology, and nanotechnology and training at the university. 

Afterward, the Nobel Prize laureate gave a lecture on the “DNA Repair and Brain Cancer” for the students and teacher staff in the conference hall of the university. 

The rector of BSU Elchin Babayev said that Aziz Sancar’s thoughts were of great importance to the students and researchers of BSU and that the life and activity of an outstanding scientist were an example to the youths of Azerbaijan. He also added that the seminar was very important for strengthening the relations among the scientists and widening the international cooperation.

The president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli said that Aziz Sancar was the only scientist in the Turkic world who received the Nobel Prize for Natural Sciences. 

The academician expressed his gratitude to Aziz Sancar who was proud of being a Turkish on behalf of the Azerbaijani scientists for his great example to the Turkic peoples and the proof that it was possible to pass such a difficult path.

The academician said that in his meetings the prominent scientist Aziz Sancar spoke about the ways to become Aziz Sancar and the greatness of the scientist was his love for his people, his country, his motherland, and his flag. He added that Aziz Sancar deeply studied the world and due to his hard work, he could achieve great success. Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that the meeting with world-famous scientist Aziz Sancar would play an essential role in the lives of the students and young researchers.

Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sancar said that the success and healthy future of mankind depended on the achievements of scientists and answered the questions of the students and teachers.

The prominent scientist thanked the leaderships of ANAS and Baku State University for the meeting held in a friendly and interactive atmosphere. 

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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