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03.06.2024 11:50
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Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sancar visited the Institute of Manuscripts of ANAS

Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sancar visited the Institute of Manuscripts of ANAS

The world-famous scientist, Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the US University of North Carolina, Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry, an honorary member of ANAS, Aziz Sancar, visited the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli on June 3.

The director of the Institute, academician Teymur Karimli informed the guest about the history and achievements of the Institute of Manuscripts. 

Aziz Sancar viewed the exhibition “The Oldest and the Rarest Manuscripts on Medicine” prepared by the Department of Scientific Exposition and Presentation of Manuscripts in the Exposition Hall of the Institute.

The head of the Department of Scientific Exposition and Presentation of Manuscripts of the Institute, PhD in history, docent Nigar Babakhanova spoke in detail about the exhibition. She informed the distinguished guest about nearly 60 exhibits covering the medical, pharmacology and anatomy sciences, preserved in the Fund of the Institute of Manuscripts.

The outstanding professor Aziz Sancar was informed about the ancient medical manuscripts, included in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register: “Zakhirai-nizamshahi” by Rustam Jurjani, “al-Qanun fi al-Tibb” (The Canon of Medicine) by Abu Ali Ibn Sina, “Al-Makala as-Salasun” (Thirteen Treatise) by Abū al-Qāsim al-Zahrāwī.

The world-famous scientist Aziz Sancar also viewed the illustrations of the works and photos of the authors mentioned above, rare copies of the works by Muhammad Yusif Shirvani, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, Nusret Efendi, Muhammad Fuzuli, and other well-known representatives of the Islamic Eastern Renaissance regarding medical science, as well as the manuscript of treatise "Dastur al-‘ilaj" (The Rule Book for Therapy) by Sultan 'Ali Khorasani, who was a personal doctor of Kuchkunji Khan, first printed copies of works of prominent writer, doctor  and state figure Narinam Narimanov, on different spheres of medicine such as “Medicine and Islam”, and other valuable exhibits.

Aziz Sancar expressed his gratitude to the leadership of the scientific-research institution for the attention and exhibition and wrote his heartfelt words in the Memory Book of the Institute.

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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