Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


19.12.2013 00:00
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II Special Branch of ANAS held workshop

II Special Branch of ANAS held workshop

II Special Branch of ANAS Central Administration of the Presidium held workshop on “Civil defense forces created in the ANAS Central Administration, its composition and tasks” with staff of civil defense forces.

Head of the department Eldar Guliyev noted legislative acts in the field of civil protection, stressed the importance of decision by Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On providing of civil protection” and noted that, the civil defense works are carried out in accordance with this decision.

Civil defense is a system of actions carried out by authorities, system individuals and legal entities to ensure the safety of the population and territory. The main purpose is the implementation of preventive measures in order to prevent emergencies, elimination of their consequences, he said.

Eldar Guliyev also spoke about the principles of organization of civil protection, planning and implementation of activities in this area as well as duties of citizens.

Senior specialist of the department on civil defense affairs, Alimardan Muhammadov informed about staff of civil defense forces created in the Central Administration, main tasks etc.

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