Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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20.06.2024 10:00
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A memorandum of understanding signing ceremony was held between ANAS and the Hebei Academy of Social Sciences

A memorandum of understanding signing ceremony was held between ANAS and the Hebei Academy of Social Sciences

Being on a visit to the People's Republic of China the Azerbaijan’s delegation headed by the president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli met with the leadership of the Hebei Academy of Social Sciences (HEASS).

At the meeting, the president of Hebei Academy of Social Sciences, academician Lv Xinbin gave detailed information about the history of HEASS, its areas of research and touched upon further prospects of scientific cooperation relations between the Academies of Sciences of China and Azerbaijan. Academician Lv Xinbin stressed that due to the recent development of friendship relations by the presidents of Azerbaijan and the People's Republic of China, our countries jointly participate in realization of global projects and because of that it became necessary to further expand the bilateral scientific cooperation. The academician said that scientific cooperation is one of the priority areas of the friendly countries.

The president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli said that thanks to the strong cooperation relations established by the leaders of Azerbaijan and China, significant relations had been formed across all spheres including science. Speaking in detail about the history of ANAS, its priority scientific directions and researches, academician Isa Habibbeyli underscored the importance of enhancing successful cooperation in the scientific area. Academician Isa Habibbeyli also informed about the research conducted in the scientific institutions and higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan as well as in ANAS related to the history, language, literature and culture of China.

Afterward, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Hebei Academy of Social Sciences.

The memorandum was signed by the academician Isa Habibbeyli, on behalf of Azerbaijan and academician Lv Xinbin, on behalf of the People's Republic of China. The document consists of issues related to the strengthening of scientific cooperation, development of priority directions and exchange of scientific publications.

The sides exchanged memorable gifts in the end.

The scientists from Azerbaijan, members and employees of the Presidium of the Hebei Academy of Social Sciences participated in the meeting as well.

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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