Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


30.12.2015 14:05
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Department of Social Sciences presented the annual report

Department of Social Sciences presented the annual report

ANAS Presidium hosted the meeting on the activities of the institutions of the Department of Social Sciences in 2015, on December 30.

Opened the event, ANAS Vice-President, Academician Isa Habibbeyli spoke about issues on the agenda.

Then, Director of the Institute of History, correspondent member of ANAS Yagub Mahmudov, Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, PhD in history Najaf Museyibli, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, corresponding member of ANAS Govhar Bakhshaliyeva, Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Law, Professor Ilham Mamadzadeh, Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Economy, Doctor of Economy Allahyar Muradov, Director of the Institute of Human Rights, Doctor of Law Ayten Mustafayeva and Director of the National Azerbaijan History Museum, Academician Naila Velikhanli delivered reports on the scientific and organizational activity of institutions, led by them in 2015.

Noted that, in the current year by Institutes of the Department was carried out 271 research work on 117 topics covering 33 problems. In 2015 was published 1697 books and monographs, 1028 articles (38 of them were published in journals with impact factor), 160 abstracts.

During the year 4 employees of the Department defended a thesis for the degree for Doctor of Sciences, 36 for PhD.

Acting Academician-Secretary of the Department, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova, Academician Naila Velikhanli and others issued the submitted report.

After discussions reports of the Department institutes were accepted.

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