Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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19.09.2024 10:40
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Academician Isa Habibbeyli met with archaeologists of the Turkic world

Academician Isa Habibbeyli met with archaeologists of the Turkic world

The president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, academician Isa Habibbeyli, met with the participants of the 1st meeting of the Association of Turkic World Archaeological Research Institutes and Centers (ARICA) held in Shusha.

The meeting was attended by the director of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology of ANAS, PhD in history Farhad Guliyev, Professor Dr. Yunus Koç from Hacettepe University of Türkiye, director of the National Center of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Farhod Maksudov, director of the Samarkand Archaeological Institute named after Yahyo Gulamov, Saidov Muminxon, and deputy director of the Institute of Archaeology of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation) Ruzim Sattarov.

Speaking at the meeting, the academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that the head of the country attaches great importance to the relations with the Turkic world and has made cooperation in this area a primary priority of state policy. He noted that the “One nation, two states” strategy, defined by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, has risen to the level of strategic alliance between our states, thanks to the strong friendship and fraternal relations between President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. This, in turn, has had a positive impact on the strengthening and expansion of the activities of the Organization of Turkic States.    

Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that there are various organizations around the world today and emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity among Turkic peoples who have a common language, history, and culture in such circumstances. He highlighted that currently, institutions such as the International Turkic Academy of the Organization of Turkic States, TURKSOY, TURKPA, Turkic Universities Union (TÜRKÜNİB), and the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation are operating successfully.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that ANAS is closely cooperates with the scientific centers and higher education institutions of the Turkic world based on the tasks set by the head of state. He mentioned that there are departments in the Academy’s scientific institutions and organizations studying the language, history, literature, folklore, and philosophical thought history of Turkic peoples, and that a similar department will soon be established at the Institute of Architecture and Art.

 “The unity and solidarity of scholars of the Turkic world are extremely important today. For many years, we have close cooperation and unity in the fields of history, linguistics, and literature. The union of archaeologists is also forming, and as the Academy, we support this. In this regard, the 1st meeting of the Association of Turkic World Archaeological Research Institutes and Centers (ARICA) held in Shusha is highly significant,” stated the president of ANAS.

Later, director of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology of ANAS, PhD in history Farhad Guliyev stated that starting from next year, significant projects will be carried out regarding study of the archaeological heritage of Turkic world.

In turn, Professor Dr. Yunus Koç from Hacettepe University of Türkiye emphasized that the creation of a union of archaeologists of the Turkic world will contribute to the solidarity of our nations.

Issues such as conducting joint research, projects, and conferences, as well as staff exchanges were discussed at the meeting.

Subsequently, mutual gifts were exchanged.

The guests also toured the main building of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and took a commemorative photo.

Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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