Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


03.02.2016 13:19
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ANAS Institute of Literature held Jeyhun Hajibeyli's 125th anniversary

ANAS Institute of Literature held Jeyhun Hajibeyli's 125th anniversary

Event devoted to outstanding representative of national literature, writer-publicist, translator, publisher and social figure Jeyhun Hajibeyli’s 125th anniversary, was held at electron hall of the Institute of Literature of ANAS joint with Presidium of ANAS, February 2.

Opened the event, organized by ANAS Presidium and the Institute of Literature Vice-President of ANAS, Director of the Institute, Academician Isa Habibbayli spoke about Jeyhun Hajibeyli's life and activities, literary-social thought and about important contributions to development and promotion of culture.

Noted that, the event organized in accordance with the Order of President Ilham Aliyev dated November 19, 2015, “On marking Jeyhun Hajibeyli's 125th anniversary”, Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that, Jeyhun Hajibeyli carried out effective activity towards recognition the rich cultural achievements of Azerbaijani people in the world.

Noted that, Jeyhun Hajibeyli, whose name is imprinted with gold letters in the history of Azerbaijan's independence, being loyal to his ideas and beliefs while emigration, to the last breath led the ideological struggle with the Soviet empire, was zealous in upholding the independence of Azerbaijan.

Also other speakers told about the personality and heritage of the famous representative of the Azerbaijani literature Jeyhun Hajibeyli.

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