Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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30.01.2025 16:42
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Next meeting dedicated to e-services was held at ANAS

Next meeting dedicated to e-services was held at ANAS

The next meeting, chaired by the President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, was held at ANAS on January 30. It was dedicated to the work carried out in the field of electronic services at the Academy in 2024 and the upcoming tasks.

Speaking at the meeting the President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli underlined that the expansion of the electronic services network is one of the key priorities of the renewed Academy and significant steps have been taken in this direction throughout 2024. The Academician also mentioned that the rapid development of information and communication technologies compels us to move in this direction, and the work carried out at the Academy in this regard contributes to the global recognition of Azerbaijani science.

The President of ANAS mentioned that the main measures implemented in this direction include the creation of electronic versions and databases of scientific publications, elevating publications to an international level, assigning DOI identifiers to articles, expanding scientists’ use of academic social networks, and increasing the number of articles added and edited in the Wikipedia Virtual Encyclopedia. He noted that the creation of electronic versions of publications and the assignment of DOI identifiers to articles will facilitate the international recognition of our scientists’ research and enhance their scientometric indicators.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli pointed out that these steps aim to elevate Azerbaijani science to a level where it can compete with global science and that in recent years, significant achievements have been made as a result of the works carried out by the “Electronic Academy” department of the Presidium administration of ANAS.

Following this, the head of the “Electronic Academy” department of the Presidium administration of ANAS, PhD in Mathematics Fariz Imranov delivered a presentation on “Problems in the Development of Electronic Science at ANAS: A Vision for the Future”.

Providing information on the activities of volunteer groups of ANAS employees in the “Wikipedia” Virtual Encyclopedia, Fariz Imranov added that 2,207 new articles were created and 1,500 articles underwent substantial editing over the past year. Additionally, with the direct involvement of an employee from the “Electronic Academy” department, a total of 791 articles were created on Wikipedia in various languages: 504 in Azerbaijani, 123 in English, 77 in Turkish, 60 in Russian, 11 in Persian, 9 in German, and 7 in Uzbek.

Fariz Imranov also mentioned that the Academy’s publications have been assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) under the name of ANAS by Crossref Publishers International Linking Association, Inc. He noted that, in 2024, 1,009 articles of scientific journals of ANAS and 17 conference materials were provided with DOI identifiers. 

Fariz Imranov said that through joint cooperation between ANAS and the Center for Analysis and Coordination of the Fourth Industrial Revolution under the Ministry of Economy in 2024, with the support of the Ministry of Economy, more than 140 courses were attended by ANAS employees, who earned 881 “Coursera” certificates.

In addition, the website for 18 scientific journals of the Academy has been created and has been included in the AMEA DərgiPark: “This year, three journals included in the AMEA DərgiPark- the “Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics”, “Comparative Literature Studies” and “Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan” have been included in TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DergiPark of Türkiye. The articles published in the journals included in the AMEA DərgiPark are integrated into “Google Scholar” and indexed within 2-4 days. Necessary measures are taken to increase the number of journals included in the AMEA DərgiPark and the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DergiPark.  

The speaker mentioned that ANAS Human Resources and Scientometric Data Base has been established by the “Electronic Academy” department. The database records, analyzes, structures, and visually presents the scientometric indicators of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS. Fariz Imranov noted that it is planned to integrate the journals included in the AMEA DərgiPark into the ANAS Digital Scientific Information System.

In his concluding speech, Academician Isa Habibbeyli highly praised the work carried out by the “Electronic Academy” department. He issued instructions and recommendations regarding the creation of an electronic database for all publications released by ANAS in 2025, their inclusion in the AMEA DərgiPark, and the submission of journals for indexing in the Scopus database.

The President of ANAS also gave instructions regarding the organization of trainings to improve the work of the staff of the “Electronic Academy” departments functioning in the scientific institutions and organizations of the Academy, as well as the expansion of measures related to cybersecurity.

Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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