Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


08.02.2016 16:58
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Japanese archaeologists were on a mission to Azerbaijan

Japanese archaeologists were on a mission to Azerbaijan

On February 1-6, Dr. Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Professor of the University of Tokyo, The University Museum Department, a world-renowned expert on the archeology of ancient Asia, and Kazuya Shimogama, specialist of the Tokyo Museum of Ancient East, were on a mission to Baku. Japanese scientists met with their Azerbaijani partners at Scientific Expo Museum of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of ANAS and Archaeology Fund. Several archaeological findings dated back ancient periods were reviewed, cooperation relations were discussed in a meeting.

Remind that, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of ANAS has signed memorandum via University of Tokyo, The University Museum Department on joint studies in 2009. Eventually, during seven years, Goytepe neolith settlement in Tovuz region, dated back BC VI century has been studied substantially. In addition, Hajialamkhanli ancient settlement in the vicinity of Goytepe archeological complex dated back end of BC VII century was revealed and explored. Note that, vital scientific data on the history of both monuments have been reflected in prestigious journals of the world.

Exhibition devoted to archaeological excavation carried out in Goytepe neolith settlement is intended to hold by University of Tokyo and University Museum Department in May of current year. Within the event workshop covering 7 years of studies by Azerbaijani and Japanese scientists in Tovuz region will take place as well. In the workshop co-organized by University of Tokyo and Japan Society on Archaeology (for Western Asia) chief department of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Farhad Guliyev will deliver on “Early sedentary farming tribes of Goytepe neolith village".

Since 2016, joint research of Azerbaijani and Japanese archaeologists will continue in new direction. Thus, in the current year is expected to start archaeological researches in the Aveydag and Paleolithic era monuments in surrounding areas in the territory of Gazakh region due to determine the date of the first human settlements. Key object of the studies, which will be chaired by Mansur Mansurov and Azad Zeynalov by Azerbaijan side, is cave of Damjili and unique monuments, combining all stages of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods.

Studies will be implemented through mutual cooperation of AR Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of ANAS and University of Tokyo.

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