Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


25.02.2016 14:45
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Khojaly tragedy is a bloody page of history

Khojaly tragedy is a bloody page of history

On February 25, ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan History hosted the event “Tragedy of the century” devoted to 24th anniversary of Khojaly genocide, by joint organization of Knowledge Foundation under President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In advance, victims of the tragedy were cherished for a minute of silence.

Event which brought together teacher and students of relevant educational institutions of the republic and foreign students educating in Azerbaijan, was opened by director of the museum Acad. Naila Valikhanli, who spoke about bloody crimes committed by Armenian invaders in our lands.

She drew attention that, horrors of insidious Armenians in Khojali at night from February 25 to 26 through help of USSR’s 366th regiment. never will be forgotten.

Later on, head of Knowledge Foundation under President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Prof. Isakhan Veliyev underlined Khojali tragedy as one of the pages of ethnic cleansing policy pursued by Armenians, made speech on works to be done in delivering Khojaly truths to the public and mushrooming in a global world.

Then, a short film about Khojaly, prepared in English, has been displayed.

Event was continued with literary-artistic composition dedicated to Khojaly tragedy, performed by students of Binagadi district, secondary school N 244.

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