Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


11.04.2016 14:23
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Compliance of lectures with international standards - one of the important conditions for improving the quality of education

Compliance of lectures with international standards - one of the important conditions for improving the quality of education

The main tasks of the modern Azerbaijani education system, integrating the European scientific and educational space, is the development of new learning mechanisms, ensuring the development of this sector by means of advanced technologies, the application of new scientific and methodological advances in the educational process. From this point of view, the purpose of the professional staff training is necessary to teach computer science.

This was stated by the Academician-Secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev at the meeting of the Institute.

R.Alguliyev noted that according to the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission since 2003, Institute of Information Technology has successfully implementing the teaching of computer science to doctoral and PhD students over the republic, and receive examinations on the subject. It was noted that the innovative environment was created at Education and Innovation Center of the Institute with the aim of mastering the doctorates and dissertates the necessary knowledge on ICT based on new technologies.

"Due to the dynamic development of ICT there is a need to improve the lectures, which are read at the training center. To this must be examined the current state of the relevant areas of science, studied the world experience and knowledge achieved should be reflected in the lectures. Compliance with international standards lectures - one of the important conditions for improving the quality of education ", - said the Academician.

Then the head of the Training and Innovation Centre Rasmiya Mahmudova made speech in connection with the content and requirements for registration of lectures on science, taught at the center for doctoral and PhD students. She said that the availability of important lectures and compliance to the present state of science. The lectures should be links to authoritative sources, should be given to re-interpretation of the terms and concepts used and implemented the principle of communication theory and practice.

R. Mahmudova also noted that the question will be drawn up with the aim of strengthening the knowledge, and lectures are organized into a single format.

More extensive exchange of views was carried out and put forward a number of proposals.

R.Alguliyev proposed to continue the work carried out in the direction of improving the quality of lectures based on the proposals and gave relevant instructions and recommendations. The scientist noted that at the next stage is planned to discuss the newly compiled object program "Computer Science". He noted that the program will include lectures on the knowledge economy, anti plagiarism technology, Big Data, and others.

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