Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


22.04.2016 09:03
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Associates of ANAS attended the blood donation action

Associates of ANAS attended the blood donation action

By its own request Central Scientific Library hosted the blood donation action dubbed “Donate blood, save life!”, joint with Institute of Hematology and Transfusion on behalf of B.Eyvazov and Central Blood Bank.

Vice-President of Red Crescent Society Gafar Asgarzadeh spoke about the essence and objective of humanitarian action. Organizing this action on the birthday of general-lieutenant Aliaga Shikhlinski, who was founder of Red Crescent Society in Azerbaijan, notable military figure, is not a coincidence, he stated.

Chairman of ANAS department of the Society Jeyran Nagiyeva said that, action aims at assisting soldiers of Azerbaijan Army, injuring in the battles for Karabakh, including curing patients, suffering from thalassemia and other hereditary blood diseases.

Later on, each donor's health has been defined by the special medical team of doctors-hematologists of Central Blood Bank, through conducting a blood test in advance, then blood was taken.

Humanist natured action was attended by employees of Central Scientific Library as well as other scientific institutions of ANAS actively and voluntarily.

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