Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


23.04.2016 13:43
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Historical facts overturn Armenian falsification on faked “genocide” and fictions

Historical facts overturn Armenian falsification on faked “genocide” and fictions

On April 23, ANAS Research Institute of Human Resources held “round table” on topic “Next exposure of faked Armenian genocide”.

Opening the meeting Vice-President of ANAS Academician Isa Habibbayli stated the relevance of the topic and noted that, more than 200 years, the Armenian nationalists, who has become a tool in the hands of the world's leading countries, do not even have a moment of break in the political, military, ideological aggression against our nation. Each year on April 24, Armenian-Dashnak forces get more active by throwing out the “Armenian genocide”, which had never happened in the history in fact, and are trying to raise leading countries and international organizations against Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Academician I. Habibbeyli has emphasized importance of bringing to world community of an original essence of the Armenian lie and fictions, Armenian falsifications and vandalism, and said that, "round table" serves this purpose.

Speaking on "Research of Genocide against Azerbaijanis" special committee, established by ANAS wich are consist of uniting authoritative scientists, Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that, activities carried out by the Commission are of great historical significance. He noted that, the Commission has implemented a number of measures identified important historical documents that were published in book form, expanded research and development in this area. As a follow, the event was a demonstration of film devoted Armenian lies. The film was shown rare documents about the history of Azerbaijan from Russian archives, Turkey and Georgia.

In the film, based on the facts are shown when, where and how the Armenians migrated to the Caucasus.

The speakers referred to the reports of the famous American politician Bruce Fein, U.S Supreme Commissioner, Admiral Mark Bristol, British politician and military, Admiral Colby Chestern, including on research of authoritative scientists in the world Stanford Shaw, Justin McCarthy, Professor of Princeton University Gitoma Lowry, British Professor –historian Norman Stone, American Professor Guenter Lewy, Turkish scientist Mehmet Perinjik, were given good arguments.

On the basis of these facts the falsity of the "Armenian genocide" was once again proven.

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