Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


27.04.2016 13:57
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Professor at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences visited Institute of Linguistics

Professor at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences visited Institute of Linguistics

Professor at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences Vidas Kavaliauskas visited Institute of Linguistics of ANAS named after Nasimi on April 27.

Acting director of the institute corresponding member of ANAS Mohsun Nagisoylu informed about the establishment history and activities of the institute, including its international ties.

Professor Vidas Kavaliauskas spoke about development vistas of scientific and educational links and highlighted the importance of collaboration from viewpoint of unity of the science and education.

Meeting discussed the issues of mutual personnel exchange and training, including further cooperation prospects.

Deputy Director of Science of the institute Dr. Philology Baba Maharramli, scientific-secretary PhD in Philology Aynel Mashadiyeva, spokesman Tarana Shukurlu and others attended the meeting as well.

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