Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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28.04.2016 17:32
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Discussed methods for early diagnosis of complications that occur during oil and gas well drilling

Discussed methods for early diagnosis of complications that occur during oil and gas well drilling

Within the project “Complex Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Multidisciplinary Problems of Geomechanics”, Institute of Geology and Geophysics held the next seminar “Geomechanics”.

Seminar was attended by all attendees of scientific-project work and representatives of various ventures.

Project manager Academician Hatam Guliyev stated that, works envisaged are successfully continued and today’s seminar has been devoted to discussion of lecture “Methods for early diagnosis of complications that occur during oil and gas well drilling”, co-authored by corresponding member of ANAS Galib Afandiyev, Prof. Soltan Aliyev and PhD in Geology-mineralogy Kamila Aghayeva.

Later on, corresponding member Galib Afandiyev presented the lecture.

The speaker said that, the complications occur in different regions, especially in the areas of complex geological conditions, when oil and gas wells drilled or explored, and they require spending a lot of time and a large amount of funds.

Notifying about sequences of complications, its occurrence mechanisms and results, G.Afandiyev noted that the majority of them can be found in zones of anomalous subsurface pressures. High pressure of layer can caused by oil-gas-water manifestationsand in many cases it goes through the open fountain. If the pressure is too small, can be found absorption of solution, which is a severe complication.

It was noted that the geological section, studying drilling conditions, analysing the severity of the risk of complications attracts attention as a pressing problem. In this regard, depending on the nature of the information presentation, statistical and fuzzy approaches for prediction of complications are offered. As a result of studies carried out two factors that affect the intensity of absorbtion – was conducted fuzzy cluster analysis on porosity and permeability and divided 5 classes, that each of them is characterized by relative weight of absorption.

Noted that, have been obtained mutual interaction for condition between frequency and intensity of absorption, was shown that, by intensity of absorption decreased the increasing frequency in hyperbolic law-abiding. Compliance of quality and quantity properties of the absorptions with risc categories have been defined and classified.

Lecture aroused interest on attendees, responded questions.

Event ended with a discussion of results of the research works.

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