Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


29.04.2016 09:49
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Commomerated the memory of the outstanding scientist-ophthalmologist Zarifa Aliyeva

Commomerated the memory of the outstanding scientist-ophthalmologist Zarifa Aliyeva

ANAS Central Scientific Library with the State Committee on Family, Women and Children, ANAS Scientists’s House, Baku State University and Nasimi district Executive Power held a commemorative event dedicated to the 93rd anniversary of the birth of prominent ophthalmologist of Azerbaijan, Honored Scientist, Academician Zarifa Aliyeva.

First, was demonstrated "Life is full of light"documentary dedicated to the memory of Zarifa Aliyeva.

At the event was noted that, also was launched the intellectual competition for "


Victory" Cup on 29 March.

From March 29 to April 19 from 9 all cities and regions of Azerbaijan with the participation of teams was held the qualifying rounds. 12 teams, who distinguished in the qualifying rounds, won the right to participate in the finals.

Each team was represented by 5 students, distinguished high intellectual level and outlook.

Then, Chairman of the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Hijran Huseynova expressed appreciation for the support in organizing of event to leadership of ANAS, Baku State University and Executive power of Nasimi district.

Chairman noted that, Committee for the third year holds intellectual "Towards victory" knowledge competition and stressed the special role of such events in the comprehensive development of children, in forming of their intellectual and social knowledge.

She mentioned that, such events develop logical thinking, the ability of students to become more active, free to put forward their ideas.

Chairman of the Committee spoke about the attention and care of the state for the establishment of the necessary conditions for education of children up to date, as well as the upcoming major problems.

Academic-Secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov, Rector of Baku State University, Academician Abel Maharramov, Head of Executive Power of Nasimi district Asif Asgarov spoke about the scientific, educational and social activities, on the special role the outstanding scientist Zarifa Aliyeva in development of Azerbaijan medical science of the XX century.

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