Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


02.05.2016 14:28
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XV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Problems of study of musical culture of Turkic -speaking peoples"

XV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Problems of study of musical culture of Turkic -speaking peoples"

Today, ANAS Central Scientific Library hosted the XV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Problems of study of musical culture of Turkic -speaking peoples".

The event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the First Turkological Congress was held by the joint support of ANAS, Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts (ASUCA) and Azerbaijan National Conservatory.

First, Rector of University, Professor Farah Aliyeva spoke about the importance of the conference, which traditionally takes place fifteen years yet. She noted that, the event is organized in accordance with the relevant Order of AR President Ilham Aliyev "On holding the 90th anniversary of the First Turkological Congress." F. Aliyeva said that, the reports, which will be delivered, are devoted to very topical issues. It was noted that, the conference will provide a significant opportunity to explore issues in the musical traditions of the Turkic-speaking peoples and their solutions, as well as determining the prospects for the development of our common culture. F. Aliyeva has estimated implementation of similar actions as the important step taken in the direction of integration acceleration of science and education.

Also was noted that, carrying out such actions is extremely important and meets with approval from the point of view of identification of scientific potential of youth, deep consideration of their researches, introduction in science of the gained experience, at the same time supervision over the processes happening in the field of music.

Then, was signed a memorandum on cooperation between ASUCA and the Institute of Literature after Nizami and ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art.

Then, Vice-President of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature, Academician Isa Habibbeyli stressed that, the Turkic peoples have common historical roots, great culture and ancient traditions.

He noted that, the scientific, cultural, literary and economic ties of Turkic-speaking peoples have been restored and further developed in the years of independence. Isa Habibbeyli has reminded participants of the event on IX Summit of Heads of Turkic-speaking countries, which was held on October 3, 2009 in Nakhchivan. He pointed out that, this event has made an important contribution to the further strengthening of the conservation, promotion, restoration and development of the cultural heritage of the Turkic-speaking peoples. Scientist said that, currently, this association with the participation of member countries is developed the General textbook on the history of literature. He noted that, is planned to teaching textbook in secondary schools.

"Today's conference is devoted to topical issues of concern to the entire Turkic world"- said Isa Habibbeyli, who stressed the importance of the event in terms of scientific integration and consolidation of the Turkic-peoples. Then, at the international conference were acted director of the Institute of Architecture and Art corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Ertegin Salamzadeh Vice Rector of the Azerbaijan National Conservatory, Professor Malik Guliyev and director of the Baku branch of the Institute of Yunus Emre Ibrahim Yildirim pointed out that, the presence of the Turkic peoples of similar language and one religion promoted enrichment of scientific and cultural ties between the regions.

The conference continued its work on the 4 sections. At the event, were delivered reports covering such areas as music pedagogy, comparative history of art, history and music theory ethnomusicology, and others.

Further were exchanged views.

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